Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 35
November 30, 2004 by stevendedalus
The donkey is barely cold and already the autopsy reports abound from the Democratic elite — from Kerry’s fault to the need to address cultural issues. Midst the cries of lacking principles and the inability to reach middle America, Democratic critics omit the overriding fear factor and the security perception of an incumbent president — despite his gross inadequacies — in time of war and terrorism. All else was secondary regardless of the exit polls showing that “moral issues” was crucial. E...
November 29, 2004 by stevendedalus
  Georgia labels the covers of science school texts with a warning that evolution is theory, not fact; therefore, should it not label the bible as faith, not truth? If as Plato states custom is unwritten law, shouldn’t Roe v Wade be overturned shouldn’t state marriage amendments also be overturned? The soul of each person is a given in this nation, unless it is non-Christian. In the bible belt he who thinks is sure to be condemned. Those who follow the Donkey beco...
November 27, 2004 by stevendedalus
Oft times the religious coalition assails “rogue” jurists for preëmpting state laws by substituting their own legislation. To some degree the religionists are correct, however much they themselves foist their minority opinion on legislation. Given that the Massachusetts’ supreme court went too far in recognizing marriage of same sex couples, it is clear that it should have ordered the state to consistently acknowledge civil union protection under the equal rights clause by rendering legi...
November 21, 2004 by stevendedalus
Emancipation is ostensibly the freedom of the mind to think rationally: modern society evidently is not yet emancipated. To suggest that elections are decided by the ability to raise funds, strikes a reasonable person as blasphemous but true. In viewing beer and fast food commercials is there any wonder obesity is in the news? If a blue dress can incite impeachment what does bloody fatigues from a wanton war incite? Conservatives were once of mind to temper politics; it i...
November 16, 2004 by stevendedalus
Seventy percent of the populace believed Iraq had direct ties to Al Qaeda; A third believed weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq; The war in Afghanistan in all intents and purposes is over; Fallujah was the only pocket of insurgency remaining; Moral issues are more important than terrorism; Gays’ incursion upon marriage is an intent to upstage American lifestyle; Those with “safe” jobs don’t think outsourcing is a problem; Hollywood is the root of all sins; Ur...
November 14, 2004 by stevendedalus
When asked what mistakes He had made, God paused and seemed dumbstruck, then replied, “Like my son George, I can’t think of any, … if I can I’ll get back to you.” How is it a miscarriage is God’s will, but a woman’s will to abort is unacceptable? No one seems to be worried that the Arctic temperature — since it’s all ocean — has been on the rise due to two hundred years of carbon dioxide; on the other hand, when industry develops carbon dioxide below the equator and the Antarctic be...
November 11, 2004 by stevendedalus
Allegedly a liberal is an elitist, the inference of which is ostensibly that liberals are unrealistic in reading the pulse of a nation: Liberals fail to understand that religion prevails across the states and are therefore disrespectful toward those who espouse causes such as the culture of life, and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. They are contemptible toward those who believe that God is the ultimate Creator of our democracy and the American way of life. ...
November 9, 2004 by stevendedalus
O where in the bosom of our land Sleeps the Pericles of our time? Dream on sweet statesman of noble deed That men of heart and reason seek But are like sheep among the wolves Whose hunger feeds upon the shame. Our wolfish leaders in packs of greed Jaw law and break the noble heart While staging underplots and counterplots To foster restive peace Toward glory and honor in war. Ignorant of the subterfuge of petty quarrel We fleece our...
November 8, 2004 by stevendedalus
There is universal yearning among the hierarchy of power To take on Spinoza's ultimate understanding viewed from the top. How gratifying must be the perspective eye-balled from the "aspect of eternity" the awesome red overpowering the blue. Ah, the magnanimity to stand next to the gods on Olympus, to look down on sweaty Prometheus! How Gulliver-like the breath-taking sight, like the fleeting passion on Christmas Eve when the father steps back to admire the final touche...
November 7, 2004 by stevendedalus
Conservative pundits are notorious for attacking liberals for their elitism that’s way beyond the mainstream. Liberals don’t understand the dynamic of the “heart” of America by their ignorance of cultural values. Liberals have the effrontery to think good paying jobs and democratized health care are cultural values; nothing could be further from the truth since these are but a growing list of non-spiritual values — in a nutshell arrant materialism. Go to church every Sunday and God will take ...
November 7, 2004 by stevendedalus
The vanity of war takes precedence over the drudge of diplomacy. Is it possible for 58 million people to be wrong? It’s hard for the majority to be magnanimous since it’s so easy to be vindictive. Red states love to wave the stars and stripes in the public square; at home they salute the confederate flag. Kerry is inviting the Massachusetts Supreme Court on a hunting trip; it is expected he will have difficulty explaining a hunting accident that took the lives of all of t...
November 6, 2004 by stevendedalus
As a rule those who trumpet moral values are hypocrites. Bill Clinton could play the blues on the sax with blacks to show he could feel their pain; he went to church regularly but scandalously betrayed his wife and daughter. Bill Bennett who proudly passed himself off as a moralist, was addicted to gambling. Rush Limbaugh the king of self-righteousness fell to drug addiction. George Bush, the alcoholic saved by camaraderie with born-agains, shows little compassion for others in need of salv...
November 5, 2004 by stevendedalus
The Democrats are having post-election anxiety attacks over the moral issues vote to the extent that strategist are planning to somehow put God back in their act, despite 55 million minority voters content with God as a silent partner. This is tantamount to suggesting that because of southern and rural dominance slavery should be reinstated. Some even suggest that Joe Lieberman should have been the nominee, not only that the Jewish vote let down the party, but because his strong faith touches...
November 4, 2004 by stevendedalus
Despite all the reasons on this site that Kerry should be the president-elect, the majority will triumphantly made it deceptively clear that in a time of crises, stay with the warhorse — Bush cohorts saw Kerry on a donkey in midstream. Though this suggests that fear played a big role in voting, those who were content with Kerry as a leader obviously pretty much cancelled out the fear factor for Bush. Unfortunately, this will of the majority had less to do with a wartime president and more with...
November 2, 2004 by stevendedalus
Regardless of tonight’s outcome, the issues will remain. Iraq is not going away; this nasty episode, but another that didn’t have to be, must be dealt with and there is no panacea in sight. The Sunni savagery is a reflection of the thirty years of tyranny and still not willing to give up. Since Bush evidently had this divine calling and, like his father, had not been a wimp, despite the heralded resolve, and gone to war not just to win but to crush the opposition with substantial troops, Iraq...