Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 36
November 2, 2004 by stevendedalus
Death is paradoxically a part of life. One cannot possibly evaluate the richness of existence if uncoupled from the mystifying potential of non-existence hovering living reality. The cyclic threat of death and its unknowable negation, incites one to reap every breathing moment the harvest of life’s yield. Poets seem possessed by the theme of death, perhaps owing to their command or unique observation of life. There seems a necessity to seek in the nether world some consolation, or a jus...
November 1, 2004 by stevendedalus
The decision to go to war appeals to the rugged Thor within the avenging Lord who readily tilts the broadsword and mounts the warhorse to victory, oblivious to lurking maledictory. On reflection ‘tis better to check with the wise on the afterdeck — the earthly father, a cautious workhorse urging overwhelming force. Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 1, 2004.
November 1, 2004 by stevendedalus
If you’re still undecided for whom to vote And unconcerned about the deficit bloat, I say clear the head and vote for Bush, The treasury is ever the target of ambush. On the left hand, if you’d like the debt on diet Whereby the affluent will help the budget and our grandkids, through higher tax and corporate abuse of the system’s cracks, Then it’s simple as ABC To cast a vote for Kerry. Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 1, 2004. http://...
November 1, 2004 by stevendedalus
Honest empathy is the cry from the left; Compassion is the cry from the right. The former steps in the shoes of the bereft The latter unshoes after the sound bite. Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 1, 2004.
November 1, 2004 by stevendedalus
“Forgive me, but I meant to say the mustached guy in the black beret   was the WMD I had divined, which the spider hole has defined. And when I misspeak, well, ...I’m like you  — just another regular guy at a barbecue who doesn’t specify Texan steak and winds up with griddlecake.”   Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 1, 2004.
November 1, 2004 by stevendedalus
Separation of church and state is somewhat like separating the mind from the brain. The mind might very well be the inspired corner of the brain, giving it fresh insight into normal observations managing the mundane, or even leading to an entirely new concept and direction. Some would be tempted to call this inspiration the spiritual quality of thought and thus attribute this to divinity or a single God. However, they would be wrong; for it would debase divinity as just another element of the...
October 31, 2004 by stevendedalus
Your choice is Bush if you believe the following is true or the right course: Corporate power is power to the people; Prescription drugs for seniors without bulk purchasing power; A tentative solution to NCLB is to shortchange it by $27 billion; Abandon “failing schools by vouchers; Blocking 84,000 potential college students from Pell Grants; Continue tens of billions of dollars in corporate tax breaks for outsourcing; Bush was not asleep at the switch before 9/11, in face of warni...
October 30, 2004 by stevendedalus
If indeed woman is the fair sex that must mean the counterpart is foul. Only through Jesus can the soul be saved implies that billions of souls are out of luck. The Big Bang theory and Creationism cannot coexist unless one believes Adam banged Eve. When I die I hope first responders are on alert to put the fire out. Until Frances the only good thing about hurricanes is that they would not overstay their visit. Marriages used to last longer until cheating became the “c...
October 30, 2004 by stevendedalus
Reported on JU that Christopher Hitchens supports Kerry was an excusable falsehood owing to inbred snarling of Christopher himself in The Nation weekly. He still “slightly prefers Bush.” He mentioned his support of Kerry only sadistically so he could gleefully continue — second only to Limbaugh — his snide, vindictive remarks upon the liberal wing. He claims he can’t wait for a Kerry president reaction in the discovery “al-Zarqawi is more dangerous and better-organized foe than bin Laden...” ...
October 30, 2004 by stevendedalus
The greatest danger facing the nation today is not terrorism but the wave of followers of messianic leadership. True, as in Osama bin Laden, this leads to terrorism, or in the case of the likes of Saddam to brutal totalitarianism, but in more ostensibly sophisticated nations or groups of people, brutality is clothed in the subtlety of misshapen values. In this country the early settlers were apostates of European religion and had suffered persecution; so naturally they founded their col...
October 29, 2004 by stevendedalus
It is categorical that your vote be based on reasonable underpinning of choices. As a commander in chief the president has a right to a war of choice without imminent danger to his citizens; or as commander in chief the president must show plausible cause that the nation is threatened without having to whip citizens into a frenzy based on misinformation. The current economy is sluggish at best and has no foreseeable future in investing in industry that should meet the needs of the...
October 29, 2004 by stevendedalus
As long as the US refuses to take the UN seriously — to initiate an aggressive leadership in diplomatic relations, tegether with paying its dues on time — the globe will never gets its act together. The US ambassador to the UN should have the status of Assistant Secretary of the State Department to forge widespread support of the UN on the domestic front to combat rogues such as Jesse Helms’ decades long vendetta with the UN. He or she should have name recognition in terms of international ex...
October 28, 2004 by stevendedalus
Ever since the decline of manufacturing jobs in the Reagan era and the increase of 17 million jobs in services and whatever, not to mention the much heralded 22 million jobs in the Clinton years, legitimate skepticism rears its head. It is not the numbers — let alone the number of lost jobs — that are open to question, but rather the quality of the jobs and that these numbers naturally flow out of population increases, particularly among legal and illegal immigrants. Perhaps it is no different ...
October 28, 2004 by stevendedalus
Bush said that Kerry jumped to conclusions before he had the facts and that to be commander in chief one must turn to the facts. How illuminating! I suppose, then, that Bush is resigning or does he mean in his simplistic Texan style that it doesn’t matter what the facts are as long as they fit the agenda? For instance: It is a fact that Bush through his bullhorn at the ruins of the world trade center that he was coming after the ones responsible for the horrendous act. It is a fac...
October 27, 2004 by stevendedalus
Minimum wage is relative and should be based on the minimal national average of the cost of living index of all 51 states. This will help boost the cost of living index for states on the low level and force them to increase the minimum wage commensurately; the states such as New York and California would be affected minimally because the labor markets there are competitive and already in practice exceed the existing $5.15 level or have their own statewide minimum wage law, provided it meets or ...