Constructive gadfly
Published on November 1, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

If you’re still undecided for whom to vote

And unconcerned about the deficit bloat,

I say clear the head and vote for Bush,

The treasury is ever the target of ambush.

On the left hand, if you’d like the debt on diet

Whereby the affluent will help the budget

and our grandkids, through higher tax

and corporate abuse of the system’s cracks,

Then it’s simple as ABC

To cast a vote for Kerry.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 1, 2004.

on Nov 01, 2004
And unconcerned about the deficit bloat,

Vote Badnarik and get something done, not George's cousin John.

Not too shabby a post, steve, but I don't think there is a single undecided left in the JU community, though you never know.

Though would it not be fair to provide an equal unbiased view if that person was truly undecided and presented all the choices they could make instead of hammering home just your candidate, ah that is just me.

Badnarik Plinko!!
on Nov 01, 2004
Very creative post! Score an Insightful!
on Nov 01, 2004
This is great!!!!
on Nov 02, 2004

if that person was truly undecided and presented all the choices they could make instead of hammering home just your candidate, ah that is just me.
And deny me poetic license?

Thanks to all.

on Nov 02, 2004


hahahahahah consonant slant alert

on Nov 02, 2004
creative poem...kudos.....but i will still vote for kerry
on Nov 02, 2004
will still vote for kerry
You sure know your abc's.