Your choice is Bush if you believe the following is true or the right course:
Corporate power is power to the people;
Prescription drugs for seniors without bulk purchasing power;
A tentative solution to NCLB is to shortchange it by $27 billion;
Abandon “failing schools by vouchers;
Blocking 84,000 potential college students from Pell Grants;
Continue tens of billions of dollars in corporate tax breaks for outsourcing;
Bush was not asleep at the switch before 9/11, in face of warnings of an impending Al Qaeda attack;
Changed course of the war on terrorism by invading Iraq was not inconsistent;
The UN is irrelevant;
Changed international diplomacy with the battle cry “bring it on”;
Global warming is overblown;
Mistrust science;
5.6% unemployment is about average, despite the statistic was 4.2% in 2001;
Religion should have a stronger voice in socio-political initiatives;
Remain in Iraq until there is total democratization;
Your choice is Kerry if you believe the following is true or the right course:
Check and balance on corporations results in greater economic equilibrium;
Medicare and insurance groups have as much right to purchase discount prescriptions in the United States at the same rate US pharmaceuticals sell to Canada;
For NCLB to work it needs increased funding to states;
Vouchers undermine the viability of public education;
Higher Education should be assisted by tax credits and student loan rates lowered or loans forgiven in fields of public and essential service;
No tax breaks for outsourcing;
Revitalize homeland security and increase its breadth of coverage;
Top priority intelligence director hotline to the president and national security office;
Reinforce Afghanistan allied troops to track down Al Qaeda, together with aggressive diplomacy with Pakistan to further its own efforts to scour within its borders terrorist cells;
Regain leadership and influence in the UN;
Revive diplomatic leadership in order to garner total commitment and coöperation to ferret out terrorists;
Support government sponsored stem-cell research;
Toughen free trade agreements to increase employment here, along with development of new industries;
Driven by a strong reminder of separation of church and state, encourage religious moderation in the affairs of state.
Remain in Iraq until the Iraqi people have reasonable control over their destiny.
Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 31, 2004.