Constructive gadfly
Published on October 31, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Your choice is Bush if you believe the following is true or the right course:

Corporate power is power to the people;

Prescription drugs for seniors without bulk purchasing power;

A tentative solution to NCLB is to shortchange it by $27 billion;

Abandon “failing schools by vouchers;

Blocking 84,000 potential college students from Pell Grants;

Continue tens of billions of dollars in corporate tax breaks for outsourcing;

Bush was not asleep at the switch before 9/11, in face of warnings of an impending Al Qaeda attack;

Changed course of the war on terrorism by invading Iraq was not inconsistent;

The UN is irrelevant;

Changed international diplomacy with the battle cry “bring it on”;

Global warming is overblown;

Mistrust science;

5.6% unemployment is about average, despite the statistic was 4.2% in 2001;

Religion should have a stronger voice in socio-political initiatives;

Remain in Iraq until there is total democratization;

Your choice is Kerry if you believe the following is true or the right course:

Check and balance on corporations results in greater economic equilibrium;

Medicare and insurance groups have as much right to purchase discount prescriptions in the United States at the same rate US pharmaceuticals sell to Canada;

For NCLB to work it needs increased funding to states;

Vouchers undermine the viability of public education;

Higher Education should be assisted by tax credits and student loan rates lowered or loans forgiven in fields of public and essential service;

No tax breaks for outsourcing;

Revitalize homeland security and increase its breadth of coverage;

Top priority intelligence director hotline to the president and national security office;

Reinforce Afghanistan allied troops to track down Al Qaeda, together with aggressive diplomacy with Pakistan to further its own efforts to scour within its borders terrorist cells;

Regain leadership and influence in the UN;

Revive diplomatic leadership in order to garner total commitment and coöperation to ferret out terrorists;

Support government sponsored stem-cell research;

Toughen free trade agreements to increase employment here, along with development of new industries;

Driven by a strong reminder of separation of church and state, encourage religious moderation in the affairs of state.

Remain in Iraq until the Iraqi people have reasonable control over their destiny.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 31, 2004.

on Oct 31, 2004
Toughen free trade agreements to increase employment here, along with development of new industries

If you toughen free trade, then it's not free trade. Nice play of word, so Kerry can sound like he is on bothsides of an issue. The proper statement would be "Stop free trade and put up protectionist trade blocks".

No tax breaks for outsourcing

Please send me a link on this one, right now their is no tax breaks for Companies who out source (Just a Kerry spin). But do you realy mean tax companies who out source? If you do then forign countries will do the same thing ours are doing now, but the profits will be staying outside the US.

Remain in Iraq until the Iraqi people have reasonable control over their destiny.

Suprising coming from a Kerry who has already talked about removing the troops in six months, while Bush plans to remain until the Iraqi poeple have good control over their destiny, not reasonable. Kerry's idea of reasonable control is South Vietnam when he left them out to dry for a Northern Veitnam communist takeover. (Remember Iran is willing to do the same thing.)

Higher Education should be assisted by tax credits and student loan rates lowered or loans forgiven in fields of public and essential service

That already happens.

That's only one of My Two Cents, I don't have time to say more.
on Oct 31, 2004
stevendedalus -

You could have simplified this a bit:

Your choice is Bush if you are stupid & evil.

Your choice is Kerry if you are enlightened and good.

Jesus, what a slanted piece. Listing all the reasons YOU'RE NOT voting for Bush as reasons we should. You don't need to put words in our mouths, we can decide for ourselves what our reasons for voting are. Just another example of the arrogant elitism of the left. Sorry, nothing personal, that's just the way it comes across.

on Oct 31, 2004 just about covered all the leftist talking points and scare tactics although you forgot that evil Bush is going to bring back the draft

Once I weed out all the spin and flat out nonsense, It comes down to this for me.

- Kerry will raise taxes (and not just on the upper class if he wants to make good on all his rather vague "promises") simple math
- Kerry's "global test" comment did not go over well with me as I do not believe that many of our UN "buddies" have our best interests at heart. Oil for Food is just one HUGE example.
- Kerry's comment about reducing terrorism back to a nuisance raised an eyebrow. I never considered it a nuisance to begin with - did he?
- Kerry appears to have trouble taking a stand on an issue without waivering to cater to the crowd before him. I won't go into the many examples of this because I'm sure we are all well aware of it at this point. This displays a lack of leadership in my book.
- Kerry's 20 year Senate record speaks volumes when it comes to the defense of our country - this too needs no further explanation.
- and yes, his conduct after returning from Vietnam, including his meetings in France with the north vietnamese while our soldiers were still there, does carry weight with my decision as well.

There are more than a few less then steller marks against Bush as well but none that raise the red flags that Kerry raises for me.

11th hour choice - Bush
on Oct 31, 2004
You believe in Kerry if:

You think the budget for the US Military is a joking matter, and vote against vital weapons programs, such as the AH-64 Apache Helicopter.

You pledge 100 billion of social programs, but have plans for only 20 million of it.

You have a "plan" for Iraq, but won't tell anyone what it is.

You think its funny to tell outright lies to the American people, such as "If Bush wins, you'll be drafted!" and "If Bush wins, he's going to end social secuirty!"

on Oct 31, 2004

11th Hour Choice

By: stevendedalus
Posted: Sunday, October 31, 2004 on
Message Board: Politics
The UN is irrelevant;
Changed international diplomacy with the battle cry “bring it on”;
Global warming is overblown;

The UN IS irrelevant and global warming IS overblown! There is just as much scientific evidence to *refute* global warming as there is that supports the *theroy*.
on Oct 31, 2004
Well, I think it's a great piece, steven.
on Oct 31, 2004
Your choice is Bush if you are stupid & evil.

Your choice is Kerry if you are enlightened and good.

Sounds right to me

(that's a JOKE, just so you all know)
on Oct 31, 2004
Myrrander -

I do what I can to help stevendedalus out.

on Nov 01, 2004
If you toughen free trade, then it's not free trade.
Not so--there are too many violations in other countries, such as defiance of labor rights and environmental clauses. 
Well, I think it's a great piece, steven
It's comforting to have one lone voice in the crowd.
do what I can to help stevendedalus out.
Evidently I do need help.
on Nov 01, 2004
You don't need to put words in our mouths, we can decide for ourselves what our reasons for voting are. Just another example of the arrogant elitism of the left.
Oh, my, I guess I should blog no more.
There is just as much scientific evidence to *refute* global warming as there is that supports the *theroy*.
BS, and you know it!.
11th hour choice - Bush
Well, you're decisive, anyway.
on Nov 01, 2004
you forgot an important reason to vote for bush: youre comfortable having dick cheney a heartbeat away from suddenly finding himself not only ventriloquist but also ummm whats that thing ventriloguists hold on their laps?
on Nov 01, 2004