Constructive gadfly
Published on October 30, 2004 By stevendedalus In Misc

If indeed woman is the fair sex that must mean the counterpart is foul.

Only through Jesus can the soul be saved implies that billions of souls are out of luck.

The Big Bang theory and Creationism cannot coexist unless one believes Adam banged Eve.

When I die I hope first responders are on alert to put the fire out.

Until Frances the only good thing about hurricanes is that they would not overstay their visit.

Marriages used to last longer until cheating became the “cool” thing to do.

Death is to be desired; for it is the only way to get respect.

Flag wavers are those who never have to experience flag draping — over the coffin.

Cancer victims who brag about beating it piss me off — as if those who died from it did not fight to the grisly end.

“Ask not...” is true patriotism; ask what’s in it for me is conservatism.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: October 31, 2004.

on Oct 31, 2004
You are brilliant! I always love these.

Cancer victims who brag about beating it piss me off — as if those who died from it did not fight to the grisly end.

This is an excellent point. I have lost (and am losing) loved ones to cancer. Even those with fight and resolve are overcome by the disease.

The Big Bang theory and Creationism cannot coexist unless one believes Adam banged Eve.

Very witty.

Death is to be desired; for it is the only way to get respect.

It's unfortunate that this is true, but it is.

These are all terrific. Thanks for sharing them.
on Oct 31, 2004
Thanks. Yes, I lost my wife to cancer but she couldn't have been braver in her tenacity to stay alive.
on Oct 31, 2004
Thanks. Yes, I lost my wife to cancer but she couldn't have been braver in her tenacity to stay alive.

I'm so sorry, steven. I'm sure it had to be very difficult to watch the one you love suffer in that way. God bless you.
on Oct 31, 2004
“Ask not...” is true patriotism; ask what’s in it for me is conservatism.

My favorite this week, but I love them all, again!
on Oct 31, 2004
The Big Bang theory and Creationism cannot coexist unless one believes Adam banged Eve.

That is freakin' hilarious!

If indeed woman is the fair sex that must mean the counterpart is foul.

I admit that I had to read it twice but, this is pretty good to

Thanks. Yes, I lost my wife to cancer but she couldn't have been braver in her tenacity to stay alive.

I'm glad that she was brave and fought and I feel for you and your loss....
on Oct 31, 2004
Thanks to all for your kindness.