Constructive gadfly
Published on November 5, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

The Democrats are having post-election anxiety attacks over the moral issues vote to the extent that strategist are planning to somehow put God back in their act, despite 55 million minority voters content with God as a silent partner. This is tantamount to suggesting that because of southern and rural dominance slavery should be reinstated. Some even suggest that Joe Lieberman should have been the nominee, not only that the Jewish vote let down the party, but because his strong faith touches all sects and would have rivaled Bush’s intense beliefs. This, of course, is ridiculous since many Jews sided with Bush because they felt a change of leadership would somehow breakdown the support for Israel, plus anti-Semitism would play a subliminal role as it did for Kerry being a pro-choice Catholic, let alone a “Massachusetts liberal” — and Lieberman a Connecticut Yankee. Massachusetts also did great harm to Kerry by its court decision to acknowledge gay marriage even though more recently overturned by state legislation.

Democrats should calm down and build a counterattack on the Republican Machiavellian strategy which shamelessly exploits God, such as cleverly getting on the ballot of crucial states amendments to ban gay marriages, parental consent for teenage abortions, and anti-immigration, the last of which Republicans knew that many Hispanics, predominantly Catholic opposing homosexuality and abortion, would not be deterred from voting Republican. The counter strategy should be that — as Kerry himself made clear, even though an overwhelming majority of Democrats are against abortion and gay marriage, but not civil union — the better plan is to deny the linguistic “marriage” and “pro-abortion” and inscribe “civil unions” and “pro-choice” but accept these as living facts and make every effort to discourage them without decidedly stripping away individual choice and God-given right to free will and conscience. Nor should they demean states that favor banning gay marriage that stipulates acknowledgment of civil unions across state lines. Nor should they accept a poor second to championing family values. They must remind the electorate that it was Clinton that pushed for the ‘V’ chip and computer password for parental control. They must remind the electorate that it was big business that was responsible for the Janet Jackson exposure, and why Coors lost his senate seat because of his company’s approval of raunchy beer ads. They must be convincing in noting that it was the founding fathers who stressed the need for separation of church and state that secured freedom of worship but not the right to make public policy. Finally they must not accept that sex, violence, gambling and drugs were invented by the Democratic Party, nor accept that these extreme indulgences are practiced exclusively by liberals. That these issues exist is not owing to a liberal society but rather the price to pay for constitutional freedom and surely preferable to Ayatollah-like solutions.

That said, the Democrats cannot get hung up on “morality,” lest they lose focus on values that matter more: growing a greater middle class, discouraging nuclear proliferation, disallowing preventive war without overt threat, embracing faith-based organizations that do good without ulterior motives, developing smarter diplomatic relations, setting a goal for energy and industrial independence, declaring presidential election day a national holiday and limiting ballot entries to federal offices only, thus relegating state and local positions, including governorship, amendments, and other state issues to another day and thus eliminating horrendous waiting time in lines — some of which were extended up to nine hours. Furthermore, the DNC must show its ethics by prohibiting affiliation with pork and big time spending lobbyists and by welcoming non-profit citizen groups lobbying for the common good. Nancy Pelosi in consultation with the DNC should define requirements for the presidential candidates before allowing anyone to throw in the hat. These candidates must be scandal-free sexually and financially, must show a strong belief in free enterprise but with a high mindedness to do battle against unseemly behemoth-behaviors in Wall Street, corporations and unions that tear the fabric of enlightened capitalism aimed at producing wealth and general welfare. They should be neither for nor against guns, other than protecting the laws already in effect and endorsing a defense against crime by buttressing widespread law enforcement and by increasing “cops on the street,” equipping them accordingly. There should be no litmus test to measure the quality of religion within the candidate, but surely the candidate must be able to reflect values that clearly send the message of tolerance and be ready to defend the separation of church and state, preventing an imbalance of either.

Fund-raising is a definite moral issue and shall be the exclusive responsibility of DNC which must strongly push for greater federal campaign revenue, along with launching the official campaign one month prior to the Iowa caucus. The DNC must also disassociate itself from 527s and urge that if they must exist that they be fact check groups that air the issues impartially.

Finally, the moral gap between the parties is a result of a strong assault a on the wisdom of the founding fathers without a strong defense in support of that wisdom aimed to create a secular environment for the development of family and national values through common sense and reason.



Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 5, 2004.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 05, 2004
the Republican Machiavellian strategy which shamelessly exploits God, such as cleverly getting on the ballot of crucial states amendments to ban gay marriages, parental consent for teenage abortions

I think this sums up the problem with the Democratic party right there. Too many Democrats don't take people's opinions on these issues seriously. They think of values voters as sheeple being manipulated by Republicans.
on Nov 05, 2004
The religous right forces their choices down the throats of their followers..No doubt. The right acts as if we dems are all liberals and are out to force them into gay marrige and gun control. That is not to say that all on the right are doing this.

Some on the the left are guilty of demonizing people of faith as well. but your point Madine is wayy off base. You are generalizing here. which shows how truly ignorant you are when it comes to the dems. I personally dont think every repub has a gun in one hand, a bible in the other and uses the bill of rights as kindling. Neither does the Party leadership. You folks associate us with Moore, Dean, and Feinstein. That's not right at all. That's like me saying Pat Robertson, Faldwell, and John Ashcroft are calling the shots for the right.
on Nov 05, 2004
The religous right forces their choices down the throats of their followers..No doubt.

There it is again.
on Nov 05, 2004

Reply #2 By: thatoneguyinslc - 11/5/2004 4:23:28 PM
You folks associate us with Moore, Dean, and Feinstein

Then disassociate yourselves from them. They do NOT help your cause.
on Nov 05, 2004
The Democrats are having post-election anxiety attacks over the moral issues vote to the extent that strategist are planning to somehow put God back in their act, despite 55 million minority voters content with God as a silent partner. This is tantamount to suggesting that because of southern and rural dominance slavery should be reinstated.

No it's not, and you've become completely irrational, Steve. It's OK if I call you Steve, right?

First of all, the right didn't "put God in their act" unless you're willing to concede that the left chose to "put Hate in their act." If you call one a conscious strategy, then you have to accept the other. And when put in stark contrast like that, God usually wins out over Hate, even though I'm pretty much an agnostic.

Why would that 55 million you say are silently partnering with God object to disavowing the hateful likes of Michael Moore, saying simply that Moore's attitudes and tactics are abhorent and that he doesn't speak for them?

You folks associate us with Moore, Dean, and Feinstein. That's not right at all. That's like me saying Pat Robertson, Faldwell, and John Ashcroft are calling the shots for the right.

Kerry never disavowed or repudiated Moore, or Goldberg or Eminem. In fact, he embraced them, said they spoke the truth and represented the "heart and soul" of America. How can anyone say that the Dems didn't associate themselves with Moore, Dean and Feinstein? Did you see the Republicans putting Fallwell in the Presidential box at their convention? Bush has extended his respects to Fallwell & Robertson (FWIW, two people mostly undeserving of much respect in my book because of their intolerance, but I understand how easy it is for evangelicals to get carried away), but he's not embraced them and said they "represent the heart and soul of America."

Nancy Pelosi in consultation with the DNC should define requirements for the presidential candidates before allowing anyone to throw in the hat.

That nearly took my breath away and convinced me you've come unhinged. I can't imagine anything less democratic, in either sense of the word. You really need to step back, gain some perspective and take some time to come to grips with how things went off the rails. Most of the stuff you've advocated in this article would only serve to accelerate the decline of the party. But then, that's just the opinion of a red-state knuckle-dragger, so I don't expect it to have much traction.

on Nov 05, 2004
This just sounds like a tactic rather than a set of values. Do you really think the Democrats will be able to gain power with a tactic that they don't really believe in but merely use as a tool?

With one of the strikes against Kerry being that people thought he was too opportunistic politically; willing to 'be' for whatever his constituency wanted, I would think the Democrats would see the futility of such a transparent action.

I'm beginning to think that all the Democratic rhetoric about voters being 'stupid' and 'gullible' really is what the Dems believe if they think a ruse will win them elections.
on Nov 06, 2004

This just sounds like a tactic rather than a set of values.growing a greater middle class, discouraging nuclear proliferation, disallowing preventive war without overt threat, embracing faith-based organizations that do good without ulterior motives, developing smarter diplomatic relations, setting a goal for energy and industrial independence, these are not "tools," friend.
I'm pretty much an agnostic
non-sequitur! or is it a joke?
First of all, the right didn't "put God in their act" unless you're willing to concede that the left chose to "put Hate in their act."
Never said they did; it's ingrained. As for hate you're the one unhinged if you see it only from the left.
You really need to step back, gain some perspective and take some time to come to grips with how things went off the rails
Okay, then, Michael Moore should be a candidate??? or how about Whoopie?

That said, the Democrats cannot get hung up on “morality,” lest they lose focus on values that matter more: ... this surely would not lead to the party's decline.

on Nov 06, 2004

They think of values voters as sheeple being manipulated by Republicans

it's difficult NOT to think that way considering that is the readers digest version of how it is intended to play out; once again, i invite you to convince me im wrong by describing a reasonably believable scenario in which a prospective candidate who isnt anointed by the evangelists sweeps the convention and becomes nominee.  if you dont play their game, they take their sheeple and go on to someone else.

Nancy Pelosi in consultation with the DNC should define requirements for the presidential candidates before allowing anyone to throw in the hat
  i dont believe youre suggesting this would be a lifetime position for pelosi but rather that someone take responsibility for vetting potential candidates.  although i very much like the idea of qualified contenders, im afraid it would ultimately smother the process. 

on Nov 06, 2004
Anything can be a tool, even good causes. It comes down to belief in those causes rather than use for gain.

Your whole point on the use of religion is based on that premise. You are saying the use of religion is a tool. That would suggest you believe God is not valid.
on Nov 07, 2004
You are saying the use of religion is a tool. That would suggest you believe God is not valid.
Perhaps I am, but it does not follow that God is dead, but rather shaken up by the misperception of HIM.
although i very much like the idea of qualified contenders, im afraid it would ultimately smother the process.
You're probably right, but some criteria have to be established.
on Nov 07, 2004
You're probably right, but some criteria have to be established.

A good start would be having the candidates advertise what their real positions are and not hide their past until they get past the primaries. That's when the Republicans can really tear them apart to the horror of the Joe Democrat that didn't notice how many flaws he had before they voted for him the first time. The Democratic primaries looked like a softball match compared to the General election.

Nancy Pelosi in consultation with the DNC should define requirements for the presidential candidates before allowing anyone to throw in the hat.

Using Nancy Pelosi in the same paragraph as the word Values makes me sick and appointing her as the regulator of those Values in the Democratic party realy shows how the party don't know what Values realy mean.

Personnaly all this talk about the Dems losing this election about Religius Values is a load to crap. They just refuse to admit that they chose a stinker of a candidate and their must win at all cost no matter what the idiot public thinks attitude has driven the more moderates away. I think the party can be summed up as just "mean".

That's My Two Cents
on Nov 07, 2004
A good start would be having the candidates advertise what their real positions are and not hide their past until they get past the primaries.
definitely worth three cents.
I think the party can be summed up as just "mean".
not worth a penny.
on Nov 07, 2004

Joe Democrat that didn't notice how many flaws he had before they voted for him the first time

aint like that ever happens to anyone but democrats tho huh?  jeez talk about mindless bias.

on Nov 07, 2004
Joe Democrat that didn't notice how many flaws he had before they voted for him the first time

aint like that ever happens to anyone but democrats tho huh? jeez talk about mindless bias.


For one think this post is on Democrats, not Republicans. I don't like either party. Since I'm registered as an Independent, I don't get the change to vote in either party’s primaries. That’s too bad because it causes only left/right wingers to chose from and not a good moderate. But it is their parties, it just make the rest of us in the center feel hopeless some times.

As noted above, I felt the Democrat primaries were very soft on the candidates. Kerry's biggest flaw was his actions in the early 70's. In my opinion (and I bet most military personnel's opinion) these acts, not voting for Gulf War I, and having his staff hand out the DNC memo on how to discount APO/military ballets in 2000 cost him at least 5%. But in the primaries not one of his opponents or the media brought this up.

I have met at least three people in my office that voted for him in the primaries, they were shocked to hear about his past later. None decided to vote for him in the General election. To bash the Republican's too, I would say this is the same type of covered up info as what happened just before the 2000 election with Bush's last minute history of DUIs effecting his turn out by some voters.

That's My Two Cents
on Nov 07, 2004
Democrats have to stop backing away from God and spirituality. Over 90% of the country has some time of spiritual belief, and a large percentage of those people are Christian. We can still be pro-choice, compassionate towards all, Christian, and be a Democrat. We're not selling ourselves well. Barak Obama said it well at the convention that "we in the blue states believe in the same God as the red states" (I'm paraphrasing). Compassion, tolerance, and acceptance are the hallmark of both the Bible and the Democratic party-we need to say so.

We also need a strong message of what we stand for. We've been on the defensive since 2000. It is not enough to be "not Bush, not neocon" that hasn't worked. We need to take point, and solidify our own plan which we can sell to the American people. We CAN win more than four seats in the house in two years...we have to prioritize, and stream-line our messages.
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