Constructive gadfly
Published on November 14, 2004 By stevendedalus In Blogging

When asked what mistakes He had made, God paused and seemed dumbstruck, then replied, “Like my son George, I can’t think of any, … if I can I’ll get back to you.”

How is it a miscarriage is God’s will, but a woman’s will to abort is unacceptable?

No one seems to be worried that the Arctic temperature — since it’s all ocean — has been on the rise due to two hundred years of carbon dioxide; on the other hand, when industry develops carbon dioxide below the equator and the Antarctic begins to melt, raising the ocean level, only then will we get serious — presuming, of course, Greenland doesn’t melt first to cause the dreaded flood.

In verbal cyberspace, sweet silence is dead.

Blogging is the universe of bad writing never rejected.

I wonder how many retired Victoria Secret models are now obese?

The state with the lowest divorce rate is Massachusetts — could it be that couples there don’t realize they are together as husband and wife?

The gentleman custom of kissing a maiden’s hand has now aimed wet lips to the breasts.

The meek shall never inherit the earth: the affluent will never allow it.

How is it most would rather have a beer with Bush even though he’s on the wagon?


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 14, 2004.

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