Constructive gadfly
Published on November 2, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Regardless of tonight’s outcome, the issues will remain. Iraq is not going away; this nasty episode, but another that didn’t have to be, must be dealt with and there is no panacea in sight. The Sunni savagery is a reflection of the thirty years of tyranny and still not willing to give up. Since Bush evidently had this divine calling and, like his father, had not been a wimp, despite the heralded resolve, and gone to war not just to win but to crush the opposition with substantial troops, Iraq would have been history by now and his second term a given.

The morality fever pitch led by the Christian Coalition will continue to plague the nation even if Kerry wins. Their blind hatred for gay unions will still prick the weakened conscience of many other sects who probably would be inclined, but for the coalitions incessant prodding, to look the other way as they should have with so many other quandaries such as interracial marriage, white supremacy, prayer in schools, vouchers for private or parochial schools, faith-based movement, and abortion.

The national debt is a long term mortgage that cannot be solved without a commitment to pay it down, which is not going to happen with the nation’s stubbornness about increasing revenue, either by higher taxes or a thriving middle class economy, requiring better paying employment in new industries of the future. The current contentment with lopsided trade agreements ironically favors the consumer at huge hidden cost to the nation’s foreign debt and in the proliferation of unskilled workers. Even if Bush were reborn again, he is too embedded with big business to envision a new style of capitalism, and Kerry would be up against an intractable congress.

The hysteria over terrorism, causing a second, pointless war, is still in evidence and will continue with as much ferocity if Bush is in command, or under Kerry much the same unless his trump card of mended international relations comes into play. This would let him prioritize a systemic homeland security and concentrate on North Korea, Syria, and Iran.

Whoever … don’t look for miracles.

       Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 2, 2004.

on Nov 02, 2004
Wonderful article! No miracles. But lots of hope.
on Nov 02, 2004
Whoever, Bush or Kerry

By: stevendedalus
Posted: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 on
Message Board: Politics
Regardless of tonight’s outcome, the issues will remain. Iraq is not going away; this nasty episode, but another that didn’t have to be, must be dealt with and there is no panacea in sight. The Sunni savagery is a reflection of the thirty years of tyranny and still not willing to give up. Since Bush evidently had this divine calling and, like his father, had not been a wimp, despite the heralded resolve, and gone to war not just to win but to crush the opposition with substantial troops, Iraq would have been history by now and his second term a given.
The morality fever pitch led by the Christian Coalition will continue to plague the nation even if Kerry wins. Their blind hatred for gay unions will still prick the weakened conscience of many other sects who probably would be inclined, but for the coalitions incessant prodding, to look the other way as they should have with so many other quandaries such as interracial marriage, white supremacy, prayer in schools, vouchers for private or parochial schools, faith-based movement, and abortion.
The national debt is a long term mortgage that cannot be solved without a commitment to pay it down, which is not going to happen with the nation’s stubbornness about increasing revenue, either by higher taxes or a thriving middle class economy, requiring better paying employment in new industries of the future. The current contentment with lopsided trade agreements ironically favors the consumer at huge hidden cost to the nation’s foreign debt and in the proliferation of unskilled workers. Even if Bush were reborn again, he is too embedded with big business to envision a new style of capitalism, and Kerry would be up against an intractable congress.
The hysteria over terrorism, causing a second, pointless war, is still in evidence and will continue with as much ferocity if Bush is in command, or under Kerry much the same unless his trump card of mended international relations comes into play. This would let him prioritize a systemic homeland security and concentrate on North Korea, Syria, and Iran.
Whoever … don’t look for miracles.

For once I have to agree with you. 100%!
on Nov 02, 2004
Steven, man, I love what you say. Great. I know I hardly ever say much more than that on your articles, but damn, man! You say it all for me.
on Nov 02, 2004
If Bush is elected, we will still be talking about Iraq in 2008 when his brother runs.
on Nov 02, 2004
hahahaha, funny blog. Didn't know you did comedy...
on Nov 03, 2004
Iraq may still be around in 2008 but legal abortions probably will not be. Abortions won't go away, they will just be conducted in back-rooms and alley ways. Women will die of infections, internal bleeding, and other untold tragedies. The fetuses will not be saved, only the methods of terminating them will change. The deficit will still be there but equal protection of the law for gays, women, and other minorites will be but a dream unrealized, as 10 states have already demonstarted their willingness to trample upon individual liberties under the guise of moral indignation. Their cries for justice will most likely fall upon a deaf Court's ear. The Christian-right will still continue to plague the nation, but they will be handed a Supreme Court from which to impose their religious mandates upon us all. These are the realities. John Kerry could not solve all of our nation's ills nor could he provide miracles...but he gave us hope for a more fair and just nation. That hope appears to be fleeting...
on Nov 04, 2004
But lots of hope.
For once I have to agree with you. 100%!
Wow...did I read that right?
but damn, man! You say it all for me.
I am honored.
Abortions won't go away, they will just be conducted in back-rooms and alley ways. Women will die of infections, internal bleeding, and other untold tragedies. The fetuses will not be saved, only the methods of terminating them will change.
How sadly true.
If Bush is elected, we will still be talking about Iraq in 2008 when his brother runs.
Ugh! eternal dynasty.