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stevendedalus's Articles » Page 33
January 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
As a first squad old marine BARman open to snipers, I wonder about the new Mach 3 razors — it must be torture for the first blade in line.
January 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
As a first squad old marine BARman open to snipers, I wonder about the new Mach 3 razors — it must be torture for the first blade in line.
January 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
Armstrong Williams, an ultra conservative commentator, who was paid $240,000 by the Ketchum Public Relations firm — an arm of the administration’s propaganda for NCLB — was asked if he would return the payment. His response: “Why would I do that?” Of course, he is not the only one in the media taken in by the entrepreneurial mind-set. Attention, Dan Rather: Have you given back your stipend for the forgery segment of “60 Minutes”? By the way, Williams is small fry contrasted to ...
January 13, 2005 by stevendedalus
Why is evolution so upsetting to those who believe otherwise? Cannot those who believe in Adam and Eve still accept the theory that they were not created overnight — what’s the rush? If science shows beyond a doubt that the universe is fourteen billion years old and the Earth four billion years old and for more than half its life but a ball of fire, is it not reasonable to assume that God was in no hurry to put out the fire? That Adam and Eve or humankind as we know it took a good deal o...
January 12, 2005 by stevendedalus
I can understand the necessity of pimpin’ military humvees with hill billy armor, but when major car manufacturers join the “pimp my ride” craze they have become not only un patriotic but obscene. Newsweek quotes a Chrysler executive, “we need to work with friends like Dub [hip-hop car magazine] because we’re old.” One has to wonder if the turmoil in Iraq is already a forgotten war. The Big Three in WWII were war heroes in the way they banded together to produce a war machine like no other w...
January 11, 2005 by stevendedalus
Tort reform sounds great until you become the victim of an incompetent doctor or manufacturer — the old not in my backyard syndrome. Would anyone pound the table in behalf of reform if a maimed veteran of the Iraq war or the family of a son who made the ultimate sacrifice decided to litigate the Pentagon for its malpractice — is it any different from 9/11 compensations? Why are we so stingy when it comes to funding Amtrak and so eager to subsidize airliners? Is it too much to ask of Mexico to...
January 11, 2005 by stevendedalus
Since the electorate could not absorb Kerry’s nuances, how will this enfranchised body and then some fare when faced with the fine print of nuances from Wall Street when privatization is passed? I suppose, Bush the godfather, who ironically does not trust the duped on their own even to invest in a Christmas Club, will find compassion to urge the Mafioso of brokers to go easy on the poor souls--at least leave their knee-caps unharmed. Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All right...
January 11, 2005 by stevendedalus
What about the undeniable fact that what makes humankind is its ability to labor much beyond survival, which ineluctably leads to an interdependent civilization? The myth, however, is that individuated labor is somehow ruggedly independent of the order of society. The office worker on the eightieth floor of the Empire State Building doesn’t think about the window washer’s harrowing ballet dance a thousand feet in the air; or how each morning the emptied wastebasket, dust-free keyboard and monit...
January 11, 2005 by stevendedalus
I found this forward in my email: TO THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the30's 40's, 50's, 60's First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing and didn't get tested for diabetes. After that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paints. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks w...
January 9, 2005 by stevendedalus
David Brooks, better known for his weekly appearance on PBS as a counter analyst to Mark Shields, wrote in a NY Times column that about “two rival economic systems” between the “American model” of conservatives and the “European model” of liberals. Arbitrarily he sees the American model as smaller government, lower taxes but less social support, whereas the “European model is bigger government, more generous support and less inequality. He uses this as a ploy to excoriate the social secu...
January 9, 2005 by stevendedalus
To be or not to be is a question Iraqis should pose to themselves. To Aristotle there is a difference between place and space or relative space as opposed to absolute space as Kant sees it; religion gives God a sense of place, and there lies the friction of trying to squeeze him into finiteness. This crazy society on the one hand extols virginity, while on the other gives glamor and fame to promiscuity. The difference between a compassionate conservative and a bleeding heart li...
January 4, 2005 by stevendedalus
Polygyny as a moral issue is of no concern; but it is in the realm of subjugating — men in the case of polyandry— women and children, just as in the potential of subjugation in a monogamous marriage. It is, of course, often argued that polygamy as well as homosexual marriage, has little effect on the great house that our founding fathers built and is not worth the prevailing dissension, in spite of the religious moralists fear that the house of God is in shambles because of these abominations ...
December 31, 2004 by stevendedalus
It was remarked somewhere that what is needed are proud citizens to replace the current selfishness of a nation of consumers. The so-called “moral issues” is but a ploy to convince the nation that it does not live on bread alone. The reality is that bread alone indeed is insufficient; but it takes reckless consumer debt, ownership, the latest gadgets, sports and entertainment to feed the soul. The mushroom cloud of Wal-Mart and the Golden Arch have given us the sordid boost to devour ourselve...
December 30, 2004 by stevendedalus
Evolution is acceptable in theory and praxis by most theologies except for the origin of humankind springing from apes. The Big Bang is acceptable by the many provided it does not exclude the underlying spiritual impetus. Politics was born from the god of deceit and all too evident in modern times when the advertisers cleverly polished it to the degree of glossy delusion. Only mathematicians see the universe as an elegant equation. The history of mankind has never been in ...
December 29, 2004 by stevendedalus
Resolve to continue to watch Desperate Housewives in spite of moralists’ pressure not to. Resolve never to pick up the phone until the message begins and I’m sure it is not a telemarketer. Despite the nation’s move to the right, I resolve to move further to the left. Resolve to email my senators and representative to vote against privatizing social security. Resolve to get the hell out of Florida if there’s another hurricane this new year.