Constructive gadfly
Published on January 11, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

Since the electorate could not absorb Kerry’s nuances, how will this enfranchised body and then some fare when faced with the fine print of nuances from Wall Street when privatization is passed? I suppose, Bush the godfather, who ironically does not trust the duped on their own even to invest in a Christmas Club, will find compassion to urge the Mafioso of brokers to go easy on the poor souls--at least leave their knee-caps unharmed.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 11, 2005.


on Jan 12, 2005
at least leave their knee-caps unharmed.

he can prolly find enuff votes for a kneecap repair medicare discount card initiative.
on Jan 12, 2005
You should be a comedian! Especially your kind since there's so much truth in the comedy.