Constructive gadfly
Published on December 31, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

It was remarked somewhere that what is needed are proud citizens to replace the current selfishness of a nation of consumers. The so-called “moral issues” is but a ploy to convince the nation that it does not live on bread alone. The reality is that bread alone indeed is insufficient; but it takes reckless consumer debt, ownership, the latest gadgets, sports and entertainment to feed the soul. The mushroom cloud of Wal-Mart and the Golden Arch have given us the sordid boost to devour ourselves. All are under the illusion that all it takes is a college education and all will be on the high level of consumption. That there are those who are not God’s children and must scratch out a living as Target and Wal-Mart checkers, burger flippers, haulers of our garbage, Rooms To Go delivery men, black lung miners, pole-dancers, prostitutes, most single mothers, and immigrants to serve the chosen ones is of no concern to a race of consumers — true concern requires sensitive citizenship that can only come to fruition by true leadership.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 31, 2004.

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