Constructive gadfly
Published on January 9, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

David Brooks, better known for his weekly appearance on PBS as a counter analyst to Mark Shields, wrote in a NY Times column that about “two rival economic systems” between the “American model” of conservatives and the “European model” of liberals. Arbitrarily he sees the American model as smaller government, lower taxes but less social support, whereas the “European model is bigger government, more generous support and less inequality.

He uses this as a ploy to excoriate the social security system shortfall in face of aging populations: The American model will be “challenged” but the European model is “unsustainable.” By this, I take it, conservatism means more fine tuning of inequality will be the challenge while saccharine liberals’ hands will be tied when confronting the attrition of equality. Brooks cites a dependency ratio statistic that shows the number of people over 65 as a percentage of those 20-64 will rise from 22% to 37% by 2050, thus cutting the growth rate of GDP and employment but markedly better than the fate of Europe, which he implies, relying on 19th century myth, the workforce there labors only 50% of US workers due to higher taxes lowering incentive to work.

Conservatives are infamous in simplicity: first the so-called lower taxes — and to Bush still not low enough — in the US is federal income without regard to the payroll tax, nor do they take into account the myriad of rather regressive state and local taxes. Most important, they do not blink an eye in seeing the runaway train of interest on the debt paid out to the affluent here and overseas, exceeding even the fiasco of the prescription plan for seniors. They love to cite evidence that the poor don’t even pay income tax, but never mention the causal relationship between living wage and the ability to pay income tax. Just as affluent liberals urge higher taxes, but never return the gain they have made since Reagan to the federal coffers, affluent conservatives whine about their unfair payroll tax, yet on retirement are eager to put the social security checks in a trust fund for their progeny. Though conservatives pose as champions of the flat tax as soon as one counters that it be progressive, they freeze; for they know under the current system they make out like bandits owing to enormous tax shelters, and ridiculously low rates on investments and capital gains.

Brooks has always been a smoothie — in the vein of Wm. Buckley — as though one of the intellectual Republicans with compassion and commonsense solutions. As a result, the reader is to infer that the solution is to address the coming shortfall in social security by the “American model” that furthers inequality, or as he would prefer to put it, even less social support.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 9, 2005.












on Jan 09, 2005
As a result, the reader is to infer that the solution is to address the coming shortfall in social security by the “American model” that furthers inequality, or as he would prefer to put it, even less social support.

"Please, sir, can I have some more?"- Oliver Twist

Sometimes when you count on normal human beings for compassion, they can let you down...I'm learning this as a liberal.
on Jan 09, 2005
Stevend.., I also read this Brooks article. Thank you for describing and debunking it so well, as it just left my head spinning. I thought that Brooks was a conservative who became more liberal. But, after reading that, I guess I was mistaken. After reading his article, I really didn't know how to respond. My gut reaction was that he's missing something, marbles maybe, but his conclusion couldn't possibly be right.

Thanks again. You've help me "get" it.
on Jan 11, 2005

Thanks, guys. He keeps Mark Shields' head spinning too every Fiday night on Jim Leher's report.


on Jan 11, 2005

Most important, they do not blink an eye in seeing the runaway train of interest on the debt paid out to the affluent here and overseas

of course they dont. over 40 years ago, those enthusiastic machiavellians who now call themselves neoconservatives realized the futility of trying to legislate social security outta existence.   following the 2000 election and unconstrained by any need to be honest with anyone--including those theyve tricked into believing a vote for bush is a vote for less government and fiscal sanity--they eagerly began 'starving the beast'.  

unfortunately for us, but fortunately  for them, history provided the 'pearl harbor event' they needed (michael ledeen actually referred to the attack on pearl harbor as 'lucky').  in 2001, bush characterized the skyrocketing deficit “incredibly positive news,” because it would produce “a fiscal straitjacket for Congress."

the scary thing is they dont require a smooth spokesperson.  lying is far more persuasive than the truth.

on Jan 11, 2005
King: Where did the "lockbox" go? 
on Jan 11, 2005

Where did the "lockbox" go?

last seen in late 2001 when it was put out on the curb in front of 1600 pennsylvania avenue on trash day (along with a well-thumbed copy of 'my pet goat').  it was probably scavenged by bubs from 'the wire' who sold it to a scrap metal yard and used the proceeds to invest in pharmaceuticals as a hedge against his retirement.

on Jan 11, 2005

Reply #6 By: kingbee - 1/11/2005 11:50:44 PM
Where did the "lockbox" go?

last seen in late 2001 when it was put out on the curb in front of 1600 pennsylvania avenue on trash day.

Bad answer! The lockbox was gone loooong ago. Do not try to blame this on Bush. First off he couldn't spend it if he wanted to. Needs congressional approval. Congress did most of if not all of it. And that includes Sen (wanna be pres) Kerry.
on Jan 11, 2005

Bad answer

just another indication of your appalling lack of a sense of humor doc.

on Jan 12, 2005

Reply #8 By: kingbee - 1/11/2005 11:58:39 PM
Bad answer

just another indication of your appalling lack of a sense of humor doc.

Sorry but as far as I was concerned the post lacked all the earmarks of humor. This especially sounded like a Bush slam.

last seen in late 2001 when it was put out on the curb in front of 1600 pennsylvania avenue on trash day (along with a well-thumbed copy of 'my pet goat'). it was probably scavenged by bubs from 'the wire' who sold it to a scrap metal yard and used the proceeds to invest in pharmaceuticals as a hedge against his retirement.

Next time try putting a smiley face on it so the rest of us will understand.

on Jan 12, 2005
Not only a lack of humor, but commonsense as well--in face of Bush tax cuts that caused a voracious raid on the "lockbox" to facilitate even more expenditures Japan and China could not cover. 
on Jan 12, 2005

Reply #10 By: stevendedalus - 1/12/2005 12:12:54 AM
Not only a lack of humor, but commonsense as well--in face of Bush tax cuts that caused a voracious raid on the "lockbox" to facilitate even more expenditures

You *still* don't get it do you? HE CAN'T DO IT BY HIMSELF! It REQUIRES congressional approval to raid those funds! Your the one with the lack of commonsense not me.
on Jan 12, 2005
Like kingbee says--where's the humor, doc?
on Jan 12, 2005

HE CAN'T DO IT BY HIMSELF! It REQUIRES congressional approval to raid those funds!

gore was widely ridiculed for his 'lockbox' theme, the point of which was that the budget surplus should have been used--as most sensible people would have done with their personal finances--to transfuse the already anemic social security system.  the buck--if it hadnt already been given away deliberately at his direction--should stop at bush's desk.  go back and read his words of approval bout the deficit he engineered (reply# 4). 

i really have to question your self-proclaimed commitment to conservatism if youre not as outraged as i about bush's opinion that out-of-control spending is 'incredibly positive news'.

on Jan 12, 2005

Reply #12 By: stevendedalus - 1/12/2005 12:46:16 AM
Like kingbee says--where's the humor, doc?

There was not one bit of humor in your post!