Conservative pundits are notorious for attacking liberals for their elitism that’s way beyond the mainstream. Liberals don’t understand the dynamic of the “heart” of America by their ignorance of cultural values. Liberals have the effrontery to think good paying jobs and democratized health care are cultural values; nothing could be further from the truth since these are but a growing list of non-spiritual values — in a nutshell arrant materialism. Go to church every Sunday and God will take care of the downtrodden, who, until this enlightenment, will forever be shiftless laborers, and carefree with their bodies in lieu of rediscovering their lost souls.
Liberals are out of the mainstream because they smugly presume what’s best for the masses requiring benevolent governance to give balance to the general welfare when in truth this is a culture of dog-eat-dog competitive capitalism. To paraphrase freely a prominent conservative on JU: liberals are idled do-gooders because they don’t have to take on the tough pragmatic assignments of the entrepreneurs and skilled workers to build an economy. In their ivory towers they are disdainful of sinister, calculated profiteering and plan how best to redistribute the wealth in behalf of the shiftless. Liberals have the gall to empathize with the fate of a Christopher Reeve or a Ronald Reagan rather than have a semblance of concern for the fate of frozen embryonic cells. Despite the label of do-nothings, they are frustrated in pondering why rural America has abandoned them when liberal and pragmatic programs made it comfortable and prosperous — no longer fated to read next to the kerosene lamp, now gleefully outhouses are but rustic landmarks, and kitchen sink pump relegated to the barn —liberals pathetically fail to reckon with human nature’s tendency to distance the dust bowl past when feeling independently well-fixed in the idyllic present.
Discrimination now means selective, discriminating exclusion: it is unpatriotic to criticize a war; unfashionable to remedy excessive unemployment of young blacks; unwarranted bleeding heart over the initial torment of a closeted gay and to wish them well in an open society; it is pretentious to place oneself in the excruciating situation of a fourteen year old pregnant ghetto child without judging her a whore; or disingenuous to have concern for the plight of a single mother and the future of her child. To be mainstream means: “don’t give a damn.”
Liberals, despite the socio-political pressure to awake to the new dawn of what’s in it for me, will never change: they will go on with their frayed contemplations of the dark night of balanced justice and goodness for all.
Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 7, 2004.