Constructive gadfly
Published on November 6, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

As a rule those who trumpet moral values are hypocrites. Bill Clinton could play the blues on the sax with blacks to show he could feel their pain; he went to church regularly but scandalously betrayed his wife and daughter. Bill Bennett who proudly passed himself off as a moralist, was addicted to gambling. Rush Limbaugh the king of self-righteousness fell to drug addiction. George Bush, the alcoholic saved by camaraderie with born-agains, shows little compassion for others in need of salvation. John Edwards who showed compassion for the underdogs, nevertheless, profited from them. Awkward and probably exploitative Kerry tried to exemplify his compassionate understanding of homosexuality; but the Vice President’s wife, just as exploitative, indignantly called him, “not a good man” for using her daughter’s name. Swiftboaters with guile used the presidential campaign to vent their thirty-year indignation to attack a fellow veteran. A laudable, patriotic senate record in behalf of Massachusetts and the country was twisted beyond recognition and presented to the nation as truth. An eleventh hour, hastily evidenced news flash on missing explosives was used to symbolize presidential dereliction.

Nor are moral everyday commoners immune from hypocrisy. Church-goers lay claim to moral superiority because they indulge in prayer once a week while dismissing the other six days excoriating those who don’t share their beliefs. They display the cross round their necks, yet burn crosses on lawns. They hate Whoopie Goldberg but love Ann Coulter. Moralists love their neighbors until out of earshot. While demanding wholesome televison for their children, they watch mud wrestling. They despise Janet Jackson for her indiscreet exposure, while they head for Block Buster’s latest porno release. They take their kids to auto-racing and pray for a violent accident to keep them entertained. A NASCAR dad is not a man if he doesn’t flaunt road rage. Girlie-men drive effeminate passenger cars, real men drive pick up trucks. They ground their teen-age children for drinking when they themselves cherish their six-packs a night. Though Jesus took pity on the poor and sick, the moralists take umbrage that these low-lifers are shiftless and careless about their health. Gays are labeled sinners until they discover one at home. Those who whine about “living wage” are girlie-men or girlie-girlies who don’t believe in an honest day’s work. The culture of life is paramount, except during hunting season. The culture of life also is put squarely on the woman while the man randomly knocks up his next victim. Moralists are proud of their kin’s college education unless it leads to intellectual elitism. A person is mediocre because of poor choices; a president is great because he chooses mediocrity. Religion is based on a single book; reason is based on millions of other books. Morality in a nation of misfits is hilarious.

   Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 6, 2004.

on Nov 06, 2004
You are amazing. There is so much truth to this. This is why I have decided that it is not for me to choose the way for others to live or chastise them for their life choices. So long as I am imperfect, which will always be the case, it is not for me to pass judgment or attempt to remove specks. I am still a hypocrite, as inevitably we all are, however, I want to be better. I want to remove hypocrisy from my life and model what I feel is moral behavior, rather than force my fallible will on others.

I loved this article, steven. You hit so many great points.
on Nov 06, 2004
rather than force my fallible will on others.
Fabulous! You are amazing.
on Nov 06, 2004

another truly excellent post.  im not so sure that edwards earning a contingency in exchange for working on spec is genuinely hypocritical but overall, youve outed quite a crew of stone-throwing glass homeowners. 

. An eleventh hour, hastily evidenced news flash on missing explosives was used to symbolize presidential dereliction.


Link  the link will take you to something i found yesterday in the la times.  us reservists and national guardspersons from 2 small units reported having to stand by and watch for two of more weeks as iraqi looters fill up their trucks with materials from al-aqaqaa including boxes marked 'hexamine'  (the primary constituent of hmx).  unable to stop the looting because they were outmanned, they claim to have asked baghdad command in vain for additional troops.

on Nov 06, 2004

I threw in Edwards as a bone for the right's quest for tort reform. Actually, lawyers who work on contingency are really amazing by giving access for the little guy who could never afford to sue--which is exactly what the big boys hope for.

Yes, the story was really true it turns out because of the bungling at the outset.

Dod you get my email reply?

on Nov 06, 2004

fortunately most people dont find themselves in situations in which the only hope of justice is a lawyer willing to take the case on contingency. which explains, in some measure, why so many people buy into the ambulance chaser mythos. 

bungling at the outset

to say the very least.  sorta like prosecuting war through the looking glass.

got your email and just replied to it.  thank you so much!

on Nov 06, 2004
I thouroughly enjoyed this post. I has a lot of truth in it aimed at all. Unfortunately, I think in terms of the politicians their job almost REQUIRES them to be hypocritical on the issues.

Reminds me of this girl I used to date. Her family thought I was a satanist for listening to Heavy Metal, which of course made me immoral. They would come home from church on Sunday and bust open a twelve pack of Bud........
on Nov 06, 2004
Actually, lawyers who work on contingency are really amazing by giving access for the little guy who could never afford to sue--which is exactly what the big boys hope for.

Nothing about tort reform would prohibit lawyers from taking cases on contingency. If they're as amazing as you believe, they'll continue to do so. It will be interesting, should real tort reform occur, to see how many do so when the lotto jackpots shrink. The trial bar has no halos here - it's all about the money in the legalized extortion industry.

Back to the article, it struck me as profoundly depressing. It is not a happy place in the stevendedalus home these days. Relentlessly seeing every glass as half empty can be hazardous to your health, not to mention your political prospects.

on Nov 07, 2004
Back to the article, it struck me as profoundly depressing. It is not a happy place in the stevendedalus home these days. Relentlessly seeing every glass as half empty can be hazardous to your health, not to mention your political prospects
Not at all depressed: war is war, I'm used to defeat since Adlai.
They would come home from church on Sunday and bust open a twelve pack of Bud........
on Nov 08, 2004
Stevendedalus, this was a fun read. I think you hit the nail on the head, except as someone mentioned, and to which you replied, Edwards' legal contingency thang, to which I agree. We live in a world that's so skewed, so upside down, so east is west, so back is front, so left is .......... er............ never mind.

Suffice it to say, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Oh, and one other thing....... Anyone who thinks this post is depressing is certainly missing the point, I think. But, go figure..................

on Nov 08, 2004

I'm used to defeat since Adlai.

what dont kill ya may not always make ya stronger...but it does give you an useful perspective on the advantages of of leverage

on Nov 14, 2004
Bush's leverage is going to be brutal.