Constructive gadfly
Published on November 21, 2004 By stevendedalus In Misc

Emancipation is ostensibly the freedom of the mind to think rationally: modern society evidently is not yet emancipated.

To suggest that elections are decided by the ability to raise funds, strikes a reasonable person as blasphemous but true.

In viewing beer and fast food commercials is there any wonder obesity is in the news?

If a blue dress can incite impeachment what does bloody fatigues from a wanton war incite?

Conservatives were once of mind to temper politics; it is now been hijacked by extremists.

That presidents now require national security advisors is nothing but defiance of the secretaries of defense and state.

If the American people had been blessed with a crystal ball glowing that within twenty months of war in Iraq there would be over 1200 of our brave dead, would they have been so gung ho?

The misery of others is like a great tragic drama, viewed safely by aesthetic distance — until it hits home.

A contemplative mind revels in sweet solitude, then the kids come home from school.

Christians are prone to hold hands in prayer unless the person next to them is gay.



Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 21, 2004.


on Nov 21, 2004
If a blue dress can incite impeachment what does bloody fatigues from a wanton war incite?

Was it the blue dress or the lying under oath?
on Nov 21, 2004
He nuanced the lie with reliance on what is is; besides, lying about personal sex behaviour is hardly paramount when weighed against a false pretense to go to war.  
on Nov 21, 2004
If the American people had been blessed with a crystal ball glowing that within twenty months of war in Iraq there would be over 1200 of our brave dead, would they have been so gung ho?

Sadly, I think the answer is yes.

The misery of others is like a great tragic drama, viewed safely by aesthetic distance — until it hits home.

Very true. And I am guilty of this.

A contemplative mind revels in sweet solitude, then the kids come home from school.

Wait til I get my little one in school, and then I'll get back to you on that one.
on Nov 22, 2004
Steven: "He nuanced the lie with reliance on what is is; besides, lying about personal sex behaviour is hardly paramount when weighed against a false pretense to go to war. "

I think that pretty much sums up the comparisons in a nutshell.
on Nov 25, 2004

in a nutshell.
Yes, and fits the lunacy of putting moral values before the value of our young men and women.

Sadly, I think the answer is yes.
Sad, indeed--our youth is dispensible in a frivolous society.