Constructive gadfly
Published on November 9, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

O where in the bosom of our land

Sleeps the Pericles of our time?

Dream on sweet statesman of noble deed

That men of heart and reason seek

But are like sheep among the wolves

Whose hunger feeds upon the shame.

Our wolfish leaders in packs of greed

Jaw law and break the noble heart

While staging underplots and counterplots

To foster restive peace

Toward glory and honor in war.

Ignorant of the subterfuge of petty quarrel

We fleece ourselves with the cut of the electorate

Who from our own dim view let the elected pass for gods,

Though in our hearts we feel their contempt for us.

Awake, O Pericles! Put an end to the monsters of the age.

Speak the elegant justice with a sense of loss

And rile against the pack that howls

Of human values of the exclusive right

While circling for the kill of human needs.

Copyright © 2000 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 8, 2004.

on Nov 09, 2004
EXCELLENT as usual Steven!
on Nov 09, 2004
"Ignorant of the subterfuge of petty quarrel"

This line speaks in volumes!
on Nov 11, 2004
Thanks. Apparently poetry still lives.
on May 25, 2005

Speak the elegant justice with a sense of loss

And rile against the pack that howls