Allegedly a liberal is an elitist, the inference of which is ostensibly that liberals are unrealistic in reading the pulse of a nation:
Liberals fail to understand that religion prevails across the states and are therefore disrespectful toward those who espouse causes such as the culture of life, and the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.
They are contemptible toward those who believe that God is the ultimate Creator of our democracy and the American way of life.
By their superior manner they think they have all the answers to the economy through governmental initiative and regulation, even though few liberals are actually engaged in the pragmatic affairs of business.
They guardedly support the armed services when ordinarily protesting war.
Seldom do they admit that the red states represent bigotry, but it is clearly implicit.
They insist on hugging trees despite the endless destruction of forest fires.
They desire bipartisanship only when they are in the minority.
They respect world opinion more than the will of the majority here.
They continually harp on global warming predicated on hysterical scientific theory even though there is little proof.
They howl about the national deficits and debt when in reality they want more taxation.
Diplomacy to them is the magical formula in fighting terrorism.
To all this I say, “Up yours, too!”
Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 11, 2004.