1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious? No, it's more like your wonderful President's relations with Putin, I look into their eyes to feel their souls. 2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance? Absolutely. I want my acquaintances impeccable even though I'm a slob. 3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics? I would be total...
Midnight Basketball After-school programs is not pork and should not be treated lightly. Every minute on the basketball court is a drug-dealers moment of frustration. Anyone who is against prevention is one who did not listen to Batman. Even the jail movies of the Thirties featured the defender of rehabilitation and usually it was the warden. Every minute after school for individual counseling is a minute away from the emptness of working couples, or fatherless homes. Every minute of re...
D-Day Plus One [excerpt from my novel] As the first squad descended the slope the next morning into an open field of picturesque rice paddies and leisurely herded together civilians who had hidden in the copses dotted along the way to the western shore, another company further ahead suffered severe casualties as one of its platoons was trapped in a deep ravine and its other two rifle platoons bravely attacked under heavy enemy fire to rescue the few remaining men. Lieutenant Lin...
When I was a kid--and an Errol Flynn fan-- the Republicans resented the New Deal because it meant institutionalizing Robin Hood — spreading the wealth around. Their philosophy was that the national and global decisions are made by the profit motive, regardless of consequences. In spite of the Crash of ‘29 or Reagan’s Black Friday, they still believe the common good is in the grubby hands of the money vendors. If that’s so, then why at the turn of the last century did the auto-industry expect...
Erin Hanafy of the AP wrote an “interesting” [?] article based on a study of fairy tales by Purdue and Western Illinois Universities sociologists of women’s studies, showing emphasis on beautiful people. The study pointed out that in Grimms’ “Cinderella” alone beauty in women was referred to 114 times and but 35 references to ugliness. Implicit in this article, of course, is that undue reference to appearance and equating the hero and heroine’s good looks to goodness and the ugly villain as ev...
Wardell at one time believed that the internet was the alternative toward mainstream commentators and columnists who were not satisfactory to his way of thinking. Now he claims it is “destroying the civility of political discourse.” Only he and his small circle of friends have “ views based on a set of honest, well thought-out principles.” I wonder if his mention of internet includes JoeUser bloggers that are not suitable to his high criteria for civility and debates, which he has relegated to...
When asked what mistakes He had made, God paused and seemed dumbstruck, then replied, “Like my son George, I can’t think of any, … if I can I’ll get back to you.” How is it a miscarriage is God’s will, but a woman’s will to abort is unacceptable? No one seems to be worried that the Arctic temperature — since it’s all ocean — has been on the rise due to two hundred years of carbon dioxide; on the other hand, when industry develops carbon dioxide below the equator and the Antarctic be...
Briefly we praise those who made the ultimate sacrifice while the families forever mourn. Indeed love is blind, inflicted by the rude glare of divorce. Statesmanship is the love of prudence; politics is the love of impudence. Only when elections are over does the truth begin. CBS is pilloried for putting the wrong wrapper on the sugar-coated sidebar. The affluent have no compulsion to give back to society because as entrepreneurial wizards they actually believe their ...
As a people we expect a large return from investment in education but accept a loss in terms of the intelligence of the presidency. Whoever is enthroned must still sit on his bottom; implicit is that he is but an ass. Republicans who misspeak, divinely err, while Democrats, guilty of the same, are assholes. Today, reflective thinking is flip-flopping; impulsive action is wisdom. When we aspire to goodness, we had better have the proper religion in mind. When in my mo...
The genius in the classroom answers every question while collective mediocrity smirks to hide its admiration and envy. Islamic murderers are rewarded with seventy virgins, but Christian sinners spend time in hell with dried up prostitutes. It’s easy to denigrate the nation’s treasures like Purple Hearts that do not bleed enough or the Iwo Jima memorial where Marines posed for the heroic imagery. In spite of desecration, the symbols proudly endure. When Marie Antoinette said, “L...
A sleeping conscience or one in denial is the most effective way to hide the truth. The art of a politician is to lie without a shit-eaten grin. The Constitution was never meant to be etched in marble to allow for amendments, but neither was it intended to be inscribed in play-dough for frivolous amendments. If God created humanity to put it through a test, then all of us have graduated from failing schools. When the voice behind the check-out counter says “Have a good day...
Even though records show otherwise, Kerry’s master plan was to make himself a hero for future political aims. Homeland Security is to secure Bush’s re-election as it proved successful in the 2002 congressional election. Apparently the hundred or so deaths of US contractors don’t count — after all, they were paid handsomely. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have apparently dropped anchor on their heads. Praise for Tom Cruise’s neutrality — or indecision — concerning the presid...
Conservatives should try to love more, and Liberals should love less. Democrats pander all but the affluent while Republicans pander to the affluent only. Lyric is melodious and sensitive to romance; rap is to desensitize by savage rhythm. One who does not live by bread alone has an appetite for junk food. A married man who delivers himself to the Lord abandons his wife. Politics without gluttony for money is politics running on empty. God must exist because no one can ...
I have never trolled even though I might perceive a comment unseemly. No, this is not about points; rather it is concern over ideological vindictive trolling, which, I believe, is done by some among the "elite" or power users who with one fell swoop can knock off 300 points to symbolize a behavior warning or else. If I'm wrong, then--however far-fetched-- it has to be some paranoid blogger obsessed with his ranking and if his standing is threatened will search out one infringing on h...
1. Will Nancy Reagan’s plea for stem-cell research change the right’s viewpoint? 2. If it’s true that Kerry asked McCain to be his running mate, diminish respect you might have had for Kerry? 3. Do you believe that the Reagan funeral was overblown? 4. &nb...