Constructive gadfly
Published on September 11, 2004 By stevendedalus In Blogging

A sleeping conscience or one in denial is the most effective way to hide the truth.

The art of a politician is to lie without a shit-eaten grin.

The Constitution was never meant to be etched in marble to allow for amendments, but neither was it intended to be inscribed in play-dough for frivolous amendments.

If God created humanity to put it through a test, then all of us have graduated from failing schools.

When the voice behind the check-out counter says “Have a good day,” it refrains from adding, “… because I’m not.”

The native American needed no monuments; nature was his cathedral.

It seems marriage is about as lasting as an orgasm, unless there is no such thrill, in which case marriage has no duration at all.

The trouble with being loved by family is that you first have to be dead.

With a hurricane, what’s the point in boarding up windows when it's probable the roof blows off?

A medical savings plan is the surest way to have a heart attack because of the stress of wanting to spend the savings on a new car.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 12, 2004.

on Sep 12, 2004
You could have a best selling book just of your quotes.

"The art of a politician is to lie without a shit-eaten grin" -that particular grin grates on me so much.
on Sep 12, 2004
Now, that's an idea! But if JU is an indication it wouldn't sell. By the way, Bush can't hide his without covering it with the stars & stripes.