Constructive gadfly
Published on September 18, 2004 By stevendedalus In Blogging

The genius in the classroom answers every question while collective mediocrity smirks to hide its admiration and envy.

Islamic murderers are rewarded with seventy virgins, but Christian sinners spend time in hell with dried up prostitutes.

It’s easy to denigrate the nation’s treasures like Purple Hearts that do not bleed enough or the Iwo Jima memorial where Marines posed for the heroic imagery. In spite of desecration, the symbols proudly endure.

When Marie Antoinette said, “Let them eat cake,” was she looking into the future of supermarkets with their overloaded stale cake shelves?

Nietzsche claimed woman was God’s second mistake; I claim it was to rectify the first.

If eternity is forever to relive one’s past existence, then let’s pray that the fuels of hell suffer an energy crunch.

If as one blogger claims there is no masculine/feminine syndrome to gays, does that make them neuters?

Has the Statue of Liberty turned her back on immigrants? Or has she just turned to the Mexican border?

As one who never used a telephone till the age of eighteen, I find the prevailing cell phone a mystery. Oops, I lied; when I was thirteen my friend and I did wax a hundred feet of kite string, at the end of which were two tin cans to utter nonsense into.

Politics is testimony that one cannot live on bread alone — without fighting over the last slice.




Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 19, 2004.


on Sep 19, 2004
I love them all, but this week my favorite is...
" Has the Statue of Liberty turned her back on immigrants? Or has she just turned to the Mexican border?"