Constructive gadfly



1.          Will Nancy Reagan’s plea for stem-cell research change the right’s viewpoint?

2.          If it’s true that Kerry asked McCain to be his running mate, diminish respect you might have had for Kerry?

3.          Do you believe that the Reagan funeral was overblown?

4.          Do you think Rap “artists” have too big a share of the entertainment realm?

5.          Are there too many over the hill rock stars in the concert circuit?

6.          It seems the US is committed to military power second to none, would the return of the draft facilitate this power?

7.          Are journalism and the news media severely restricted by corporate power?

8.          Should Kerry’s running mate be either Gephardt, Edwards, Dean, Clark, Graham, or another preference?

9.          How long should US troops remain in Iraq?

10.        Predict when Reality shows will be history.

on Jun 12, 2004
who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on Jun 13, 2004
1.          Will Nancy Reagan’s plea for stem-cell research change the right’s viewpoint?

2.          If it’s true that Kerry asked McCain to be his running mate, diminish respect you might have had for Kerry?
Since I don't have much respect for Kerry to begin with, no. (But then I also don't like McCain.)

3.          Do you believe that the Reagan funeral was overblown?

4.          Do you think Rap “artists” have too big a share of the entertainment realm?
Since their share is dictated by the marketplace, no. If they didn't bring in the bucks their share would diminsh. Do I think that is a good thing. Hmm. There is some rap I like and a lot I hate. (Ice-T rules!) I do think the gansta culture is a bad thing and should diminish, but I see that as a seperate issue from the artistic genre of rap.

5.          Are there too many over the hill rock stars in the concert circuit?
No. It gives people like me who don't go to many concerts a chance to get around to seeing them. If you REALLY want to see too many oldsters doing concerts, check out the performers being wheelchaired through Laughlin, NV sometime.

6.          It seems the US is committed to military power second to none, would the return of the draft facilitate this power?
I doubt a military of people forced to be there against their will would be better than one of volunteers hungry for the experience. A draft, while increasing the pool of available soldiers, could arguably weaken the military.

7.          Are journalism and the news media severely restricted by corporate power?
More at the local level -- where papers and stations may depend on a handful of advertisers for their entire livelihood -- than at the national level.

8.          Should Kerry’s running mate be either Gephardt, Edwards, Dean, Clark, Graham, or another preference?
Hmm. Which one do I think the country would hate most, thereby sinking Kerry...? Dean.

9.          How long should US troops remain in Iraq?
As short a time as possible. (I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing disintegrated into civil war and turmoil no matter how long we're there.)

10.        Predict when Reality shows will be history.
If you mean totally gone -- never. As for this mania, as soon as the ratings drop across the board. (I'm surprised this hasn't happened yet.) More than one season, less than three.
on Jun 13, 2004
1. i wouldnt expect she'll be more successful than jim brady or mary ford.

2. not at all. nor do i respect mccain for declining. it would have been an interesting ticket.

3. not nearly as bad as the liberty mint commemorative coins and the ronald reagan doll that says 'tear down that wall' both of which went on sale this week.

4. most hip-hop is not terribly creative in my opinion; on the other hand, thats the case with about 90% of pop music. the biggest problem for me is its crowded out what used to be considered r&b--but thats been an extended trend that started with 70s funk.

5. the last stones tour was pretty weak but as long as dylan, the stones, mccartney, etc. keep performing, todays teens have an opportunity to witness some of what they were all about.

6. no. and it appears the professional soldiers at ju feel the same way.

7. it's a very troubling issue because so many outlets are controlled by corporations who see their news divisions as pub/promo departments.

8. of those named, clark and edwards would be the best choices, but i doubt edwards would accept. id like to see a wider selection.

9. not one day longer under the command of the so-called coalition. as part of a true multilateral force, at least til hussein has been convicted or as long as a true iraqi government feels they are needed.

10. the day after i make a successful pitch for one (fox has shown considerable interest in my most recent entry: 'who wants to **** my mother?')
on Jun 14, 2004
1. Will Nancy Reagan’s plea for stem-cell research change the right’s viewpoint?

Probably not.

2. If it’s true that Kerry asked McCain to be his running mate, diminish respect you might have had for Kerry?

What's less than zero? Seriously, though, if McCain had accepted, I might have had to wonder about HIM.

3. Do you believe that the Reagan funeral was overblown?

Not at was a typical state funeral.

4. Do you think Rap “artists” have too big a share of the entertainment realm?

Yes...IMO, any at all is too much...but I'm an old fogey...

5. Are there too many over the hill rock stars in the concert circuit?

No! Us over the hill folks still like our music, too, you know!!!

6. It seems the US is committed to military power second to none, would the return of the draft facilitate this power?

Not sure how I feel about this one.

7. Are journalism and the news media severely restricted by corporate power?

Not as far as I can see.

8. Should Kerry’s running mate be either Gephardt, Edwards, Dean, Clark, Graham, or another preference?

As I'm not a Kerry supporter, I have no real preference, but I have a feeling Edwards would be his best choice.

9. How long should US troops remain in Iraq?

As long as necessary.

10. Predict when Reality shows will be history.

When they stop pulling in ratings.

on Jun 14, 2004

1. Good point about Brady having little effect on gun control; or Ghristopher Reeves for stem cells.

2. My motivation here is that I would lose respect for Kerry because McCain has always been an oppenent of the Dems' policies. On the other hand, Reagan was a Democrat in his early years.

3. I feel the circuit from the Westcoast and back again was too much.

4. In a way, I suppose, who cares.

5.I have nothing against old stars--after all, I love it when PBS shows old band music but only if its revised by younger musicians. And Joe Stafford at eighty is not the singer when with the 30-40s babds.

6. I think the so-called "greatest generation" would argue with most of you.

7. The media today lionize too many of their workers; they should not be celebrities who get caught up in power circles.

8. I like Clark because the nation thinks now in terms of commander in chief rather than president.

9. How long should they be asked to remain for political reasons?

10. God help us if they run as long as Freinds or MASH! 


on Jun 14, 2004
1. No.
2. I'd have less respect for McCain if he accepted Kerry's request.
3. No.
4. No.
5. No. Some artists should keep on rockin' until they die.
6. No.
7. No.
8. Whoever will give Kerry even less of a chance.
9. Until the Iraqis can walk on their own.
10. Next year.
on Jun 14, 2004
On the other hand, Reagan was a Democrat in his early years.

So was Thurmond and Helmes, but the parties were slightly different back then too. If McCain accepted, I would lose respect for his since he has been so vocal about not accpeting the ticket, and not betraying his party.

As for the rest of my answers:
1. Will Nancy Reagan’s plea for stem-cell research change the right’s viewpoint?

I think she would have more success than Brady and Reeves simply because she is politically connected. However, even before Pres. Reagan passed away, 57 Senators signed a letter supporting the research. So it may move forward with or without her.

2. If it’s true that Kerry asked McCain to be his running mate, diminish respect you might have had for Kerry?

It would be more of a statement about McCain's ability to stick to his word than a question of respecting Kerry.

3. Do you believe that the Reagan funeral was overblown?

Living in DC, I would say it was a bit excessive--however, I've never experienced another state funeral, so I have nothing to compare it to.

4. Do you think Rap “artists” have too big a share of the entertainment realm?

No--it's what people are buying.

5. Are there too many over the hill rock stars in the concert circuit?

I haven't noticed. Though Cher has seem to have had her final tour about six times now.

6. It seems the US is committed to military power second to none, would the return of the draft facilitate this power?

I don't think a draft would be necessary or helpful.

7. Are journalism and the news media severely restricted by corporate power?

They are influenced by both corporate power and poltical power.

8. Should Kerry’s running mate be either Gephardt, Edwards, Dean, Clark, Graham, or another preference?


9. How long should US troops remain in Iraq?

As soon as it is safe for troops to exit, and the job is finished.

10. Predict when Reality shows will be history.

on Jun 18, 2004
Shades, I love your #5. The other side of the equation for #2 is that Kerry would lack principle by choosing a conservative as veep.