Constructive gadfly
Published on February 27, 2004 By stevendedalus In Blogging

1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?

No, it's more like your wonderful President's relations with Putin, I look into their eyes to feel their souls.

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?

Absolutely. I want my acquaintances impeccable even though I'm a slob.

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?

I would be totally without any relationships if so inclined as nobody, not even Ted Kennedy, is left of me.

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005

A very Wise Fawn.

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

Yes, I visit WordPerfect everyday.

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.

That's a tough one since they're all dead but tentatively Nicole Kidman and John[?] Cusack 

7) What talking head show do you view most often?

Chris Matthews, though I literally can't stand his attitude and waffling.

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?

I'll have to wait for the DVD; but from what I've seen from all the brouhaha it appears to overdo the torture.  

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?

At my age? you gotta be kidding. However, it seems at times to be confusing as to what product is being aired.

110) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?

Just a lousy performance. In my teaching days, my students put on more skillful shows for assembly. 


on Feb 27, 2004
I love your answers! But for number 4, I definitely think you should be president. Maybe you can hire me to head the Homeland Security??
I think it's perfect that you were a teacher!
on Feb 28, 2004
Well, you finally disagreed--are you saving the position for Hillary to be the first woman? I think you would be perfect for Homeland Security, which has wider aspect than simply defense against Al Qaeda--such as currently a suspected trucker waging a sickening personal war against women.