Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 23
January 13, 2006 by stevendedalus
Why is it so difficult for the administration to terminate its cloudy defense of torture and state clearly to the nation and to the world that stern justice will be inflicted on any agency or military thus engaged in administering bodily harm to incarcerated terrorists? On the other hand, under extraordinary circumstances and only by executive order should the government clearly defend its position on administering torture on patently bad guys who are highly suspected ring leaders with...
January 12, 2006 by stevendedalus
If “Happy Chanukah” is a politically correct greeting, then why not “Merry Christmas”? In 1962 President Kennedy sent out two separate greetings one predominantly with “Blessed Christmas,” the other with “Best Wishes for a Happy New Year.” Bush ’41, not to be intimidated sent all his cards out with “Joyous Christmas” as his greeting. Currently the White House cards have swelled to a million and a half; I suspect there is fear that out of so many there would be bound to be mismailing if ...
January 11, 2006 by stevendedalus
If it is true there are many constructive happenings in Iraq, then press tours under protection of US troops should be conducted to get reporters out of the Green Zone haven. This would be far better than the government hiring a public relations agency ensconcing positive news in Iraqi newspapers.
January 11, 2006 by stevendedalus
All states should follow Virginia’s example of reassessing the criminal justice system that continues to grow in wrongful convictions. How much assurance, then, can there be in our federal intelligence system that leads to convictions of enemy combatants or suspects? In our effort to stabilize, Iraq we can no longer turn our back on Syrian negligence in controlling its border and in its defiance to ease tensions with Lebanon. It is time again for Bush to confront the UN Security Council...
January 10, 2006 by stevendedalus
On the internet is a two part novel about the Depression and World War II, Titled A Tale of Love& War , Volumes I & II by Richard R. Kennedy[stevendedalus]. The subtitle of the first book is “An Odyssey of Childhood & Early Youth,” the second is subtitled “War & The Home Front.” Both are available on the web sites of Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the publisher Publish America. [ ] Forgive me for the sales pitch. &n...
January 8, 2006 by stevendedalus
"No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we're here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people ... support your revolution," Belafonte told Chavez during the broadcast. Does Harry really think he's helping the cause of those who hold Bush in disfavor,wishing him to change policy, with a statement like this? It is one thing to praise Chavez even though many other millions would consider it d...
January 7, 2006 by stevendedalus
  There came a time in the chain of human events when a resourceful legislator among aimless, conflicting tribal customs was able to convene the group or warring tribes in order to minimize wasteful energies among them theretofore expended on suspicion of estranged otherness, and paranoia within the symbiosis of a group. This was the dawn of the struggle in forming the social contract that would eventuate cooperative spirit to level off excessive protectiveness of individuals and groups, th...
January 7, 2006 by stevendedalus
WASHINGTON - In an ominous election-year sign for Republicans, Americans are leaning sharply toward wanting Democrats to take control of Congress, an AP-Ipsos poll finds. Democrats are favored 49 percent to 36 percent. I'm not popping the champagne yet--it's a long way to November. Scandals of the control party notwithstanding, does not imply the Dems are innocent; there's plenty of on-the-take Dems from sleaze ball lobbyists. In addition, they still need a forceful message, which...
January 6, 2006 by stevendedalus
Though it’s great for the economy to have low unemployment, one can’t help but wonder if it wouldn’t be wiser to add some 70,000 to the unemployment ranks by shutting down the coal mines completely. But wait: some forty percent of our energy needs is supplied by coal. Would it not be better to develop a robotic system for the most lethal pockets of the mines to spare the practice of humans having to dig in an environment of deadly gases? But then the cry — as it is in opposing environmental id...
January 2, 2006 by stevendedalus
In the history of Western philosophy there has perhaps never really been a question about God’s existence, but there has been puzzlement as to what he/she/it is. The consensus appears to be that there is unquestionably some sort of extraordinary essence or a priori rationality underlying the universe even in face of obvious accidents and chances in the evolvement. The many observations from Aristotle, Copernicus, Kepler and Newton to quantum theories culminating in strings as basic stuff a...
January 1, 2006 by stevendedalus
Resolved that: All troops in Iraq be home by the end of the year, except for minimal participation in UN peacekeeping. Surveillance be conducted with high priority on targeted probable cause, but also be discreet with regard to privacy rights of average citizens. The Democratic Party finds its traditional soul on the side of working people and reaches a sensible consensus on religious issues. The Republican Party return to its roots of fiscal responsibility and resi...
December 31, 2005 by stevendedalus
  Raising the standard of living of the poor cannot be done without reducing the ridiculously high standards of the very wealthy to make room for a wider middle class. Top corporate executives continue to receive perks and bonuses for unremarkable structuring of its production plants and rather remarkable for their eye on the bottom line to please stockholders while having little concern for their employees’ well-being by mergers, increasing outsourcing of labor and cutting benefits. When ...
December 29, 2005 by stevendedalus
At a time when Congress is attempting to work out some rather reasonable restraints on the administration’s surveillance operations, defense lawyers are throwing a monkey wrench into the fray by outlandish lawsuits and appeals in behalf of convicted terrorists. The first reaction will naturally be that liberals are in support of this countermove, which is ridiculous as it would undermine their pursuit of lightening up on the Patriot Act and surveillance.
December 28, 2005 by stevendedalus
The bipartisan “initiative” to address the nation’s needs pretends to be something new:              Better health care by overhauling its infrastructure with funds to educate more technicians and medical students to meet the demand of a growing society’s need for egalitarian wellness.              Restore global leadership in high level technology by more fun...
December 27, 2005 by stevendedalus
Johnny Damon will probably be sent back to Bean Country for refusing to cut his hair under the Yankee appearance code .… Seems if they couldn’t get it right on Sept.11 and on WMDs in Iraq what makes Republicans so sure that the CIA and NSA will get it right this time listening in on all of America? … Most youth are secular, as only natural, since their parents brought them up that way, notwithstanding this vast majority that attends religious services. So why not trust our youth, despite their...