Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 25
December 16, 2005 by stevendedalus
Dear Aunt Blabby: I have a blogging problem. I can’t resist persuading liberal bloggers to join us conservatives in the pursuit of exclusive enlightenment. No matter how rational and convincing my arguments are, I still cannot resist being a smart ass. For instance, I wrote: “I know liberals believe there’s no victory in sight with respect to Iraq, but you should at least acknowledge that we are there and cannot turn back the clock; we should therefore support the US troops and democ...
December 16, 2005 by stevendedalus
The difference between Bush lies and Clinton’s is a matter of lying under oath. Clearly Bush didn’t. His only oath was to uphold the Constitution as President and Commander in chief. He had done that by going, however reluctantly, to Congress for approval, which he received regardless of the underlying nuances. Still, he did go to the UN for further acceptance, in one respect it was an ultimatum. The irony of all this is that he did not as commander in chief need do either; for, the ceas...
December 15, 2005 by stevendedalus
"COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa - Diapers are clogging up city sewage lines - and causing a smelly, messy problem for some residents. "It's a stinky case," said Mike Sciortino, assistant city attorney. David and Jeanie Hansen know just how stinky. David said he found four inches of sewage on his basement floor in October. He hauled out about 200 gallons that morning and called the city. Then things got really bad. The cause of the Hansens' misery? According to the city, it likely is diapers that ...
December 15, 2005 by stevendedalus
In a unique approach posing as objectivity, a JU blogger impressively perceives the political spectrum as more diverse and divisive, with the exception of this site perhaps, than it really is. He is in reality seemingly talking about Italian politics not American. It has been a long tradition that there be a two party system with very large tents to reflect US geographical, ideological and cultural differences. Fringe groups like libertarians and old socialists at one time were content at simp...
December 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
The fierce early ' 40s plummeted us into the greatest war in history. Despite its told and untold tragedies the war was not without its redemption; for it united a people like never before. The rich and famous were at one with the rank and file; women wore uniforms or coveralls, and children bought war stamps. At the half mark of the decade triumphant joy on V-E and V-J Days—the holocaust had scarcely poked through the cover-up, nor had much thought dwelled on the implications of the atom bom...
December 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
Once again the children of Jehovah were under the yoke of yet another Empire near the turn of the fourth millennium. In the tiny town of Nazareth the son of a carpenter was born. As he nurtured it seemed he was a child of promise who quickly learned the Scriptures and was destined to fulfil the Mosaic thrust for freedom. As a young man his gentle manner and teachings captured the hearts of the villagers and he was soon known as simply the Nazarene wh...
December 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
The Seasonal Message is prayer For the starving child of Zaire And others threatened elsewhere.   The child is sorrowfully dispensable By those who are struck insensible, Which in faith is incomprehensible.   Remorseless leaders dismiss the meaning of the Manger— So conditioned by the faceless moneychanger.   Who but the Infant Jesus cries out the danger As flies hover to lay eggs on a tiny stranger?   Begone callous d...
December 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
Though many loved ones are gone from this world  — Our hearts forlorn and knurled — Faith ushers in the comfort of the undying soul That, as Bethlehem’s Star, emits control Over the dark imbalance of anxious moments Conjuring dread and hope’s ambivalence. Yea, to the Child’s unabated spirit of hope As we trudge condition’s skittish slope. Yea, to the departed whose eternal light Guides us through timorous twilight Toward the final home ...
December 14, 2005 by stevendedalus
There are some antiwar cohorts, and strangely together with liberal hawks, who are getting cold feet in the stream of politics calling for withdrawal. The worst instance of this is Fareed Zakaria, Newsweeks ’s renown analyst and critic of the war since its outset. He hedges over its “timing” when events in Iraq are no worse now than previously. He seems to have visions of mass panic in Vietnam during the Ford administration’s directive to pull out. Zakaria notes that since there has been no ...
December 13, 2005 by stevendedalus
  Stay the course War on terror Majority rule Freeze minimum wage Tax cuts on investment income Medicare for the eligible poor Compassionate conservatives No gays in the military Loyalty to the White House Tax cuts for the affluent Congresspersons are scandalous Iraq up front Economy is growing Trade Agreements good for corporations Senators make poor presidential material Pla...
December 13, 2005 by stevendedalus
  Maypole Winter Tree Solstice Tree Anti-Semitic Tree Catholic Tree Born-Again Tree Burning Bush Tree for Semites Eternal Tree Full Temp Employment Tree Help the Poor Tree Santa Tree Commerce Tree Special Event Tree Sol’s Tree Roman Celebration Tree Evangelist Tree Bush Tree Burning Tree for Muslims Affluence Tree Directory Tree Screw the Poor Tr...
December 13, 2005 by stevendedalus
W in Bush stands for second term w ashout. Entitlements for the poor are at least spread round more in the spirit of egalitarianism than corporate welfare. Muslim women can now discard their burqas to find lusty sex in Paradise. Wal-Mart should be renamed China-Mart. JU bloggers in the main steer from the big ugly political machine, for they are gentle souls with tender interests, particularly women, until the fierce bulls crash their light hearted chat party. JU’s p...
December 13, 2005 by stevendedalus
  ‘39 La Salle Rumble Seat Coupe ‘37 Cord Roadster ‘35 Ford Convertible ‘34 Packard Luxury Sedan ‘41 Packard Clipper ‘53 Packard Patrician Soft Top ‘52 Cadillac Convertible [nauseous pink] ‘35 Chrysler Airflow ‘53 Olds 88 ‘55 Olds 98 ‘63 Ford Country Squire ‘73 Firebird ‘41 Buick Roadmaster Four Door Convertible ‘32 Ford Model A Coupe  
December 13, 2005 by stevendedalus
A first time congressperson or senator — no such thing as entry level — receives the same pay together with fringes, as one with thirty years of service. Now that’s entitlement. To keep under control the arrogance of power and greed I hereby propose Draconian bylaws.           Starting salary for congresspersons will be two-thirds the going rate. If reelected [considered tenure] he/she is entitled to full scale. First time senators will...
December 12, 2005 by stevendedalus
Many of us have trouble grasping the obvious truth that the world is painted in gray by consistently perceiving it in black and white. Bloggers are notorious for superimposing their graffiti in bold black and white defacing gray intentions. Many bloggers like to think of themselves as free thinkers, yet unwittingly echo pundits and broadcasters infamous for their lopsided ideologies. No doubt the likes of Ann Coulter and Michael Moore have some truth in their respective vitriol, but it is dif...