Constructive gadfly
Published on December 13, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

W in Bush stands for second term washout.

Entitlements for the poor are at least spread round more in the spirit of egalitarianism than corporate welfare.

Muslim women can now discard their burqas to find lusty sex in Paradise.

Wal-Mart should be renamed China-Mart.

JU bloggers in the main steer from the big ugly political machine, for they are gentle souls with tender interests, particularly women, until the fierce bulls crash their light hearted chat party.

JU’s political subjects are terrifying to most who visit looking for rational discourse.

Cindy Sheehan is now an opportunistic author competing with the king of literary opportunism, Bob Woodward.

Today Bush broke Newsweek’s bubble with an exclusive interview with Brian Williams.

China’s aggressive incursion into the realm of commerce is unwittingly stirring the sleeping giant of industry which will eventually awake and remobilize.

Judging from the remarkable, current early returns and previous turnout elections, Iraqis shall soon shout down the insurgents: “Dammit, we aren’t going to take it anymore!”


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 13, 2005.

on Dec 14, 2005

Today Bush broke Newsweek’s bubble with an exclusive interview with Brian Williams.

Not sure I understand that one.  Did Newsweek think Bush was hiding?

on Dec 14, 2005
JU’s political subjects are terrifying to most who visit looking for rational discourse.

No kidding.
on Dec 14, 2005
No kidding.
Ilove your witticism!

Did Newsweek think Bush was hiding?

Yes, on the cover he is encased in a bubble.