Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 27
December 6, 2005 by stevendedalus
Insistence that Intelligent Design be taught along with Evolution is like PBS programming Star news briefs on the McLeherer News Hour.
December 6, 2005 by stevendedalus
Before the liberals order the champagne for a post ‘06 victory, they should take note that the apparent trend in electing Democratic governors is volatile and in the main the governors are dead center or slightly left of center with dead silence on abortion and gay rights.
December 6, 2005 by stevendedalus
California’s populist poster muscle man has had sand kicked in his sagging face by the defeat of his referendums. Elected as a populist for the average Joe, he soon made a Hummer’s sharp turn to the right to take on the working class and to attack liberal voting districts by gerrymandering in midstream, Texas style. One state got over its love affair with a wrestler, it’s apparently time for California to file divorce.
December 6, 2005 by stevendedalus
Much was said when President Reagan passed away about how he singlehandedly ended the cold war. When Alexander Yakovlev died recently, this Russian intellect, the conscience of a nation’s brutal past and political adviser most responsible for inspiring Gorbachev’s reforms, there was no such eulogy, except sparsely in Russia.
December 6, 2005 by stevendedalus
What is remarkable about the Senate’s 82-14 vote against Senator Coburn’s amendment to block the $453 million earmarked for Alaska’s two bridges to nowhere, and to allocate some of the money to rebuild the interstate bridge wiped out by Katrina, is that there were so many Democrats unwilling to rock the boat, lest their own states’ pet projects be undermined. Needless to say, it is a cherished tradition to milk the cash-cow of revenue “sharing” regardless of national priorities — particularly...
December 6, 2005 by stevendedalus
Hillary against flag-burning! Wonders never cease.  
December 4, 2005 by stevendedalus
How many of us are willing to go back to the malaise days of Nixon and Carter: 55mph national speed limit, Frequent tire pressure check, Tweaking the automatic transmission and shifting the manual quickly, Frequent tune-ups, Car-pooling, Alternate day gasoline rationing, Using the car air-conditioning sparingly, Turning down the heat thermostats to 68, Air-conditioning off at peak hours and the temperature maintained at 79, The economy switch...
December 3, 2005 by stevendedalus
Missile Defense Agency, since Rumsfeld took over has spent billions[ $7.8 billion] on land based star wars for continual testing, none of which has proved operational. Another $7 billion was appropriated for fiscal 2006. In 2004 MDA ran $370,000 over budget, despite the dire needs in Afghanistan and Iraq. The worst part of this is that there are no guidelines to spending, such as “prove weapons are operational and then buy.” Now, I am not one to fault the Defense Department to try to mak...
December 3, 2005 by stevendedalus
C is c herished moments with loved ones. H is h appiness that rings the bells. R is r efulgence symbolic of the spirit. I is i ntrospection brought forth by the day’s meaning. S is the touch of s olemnity for the otherwise dazzling experience. T is the t ree to remind us of the cross and the evergreen to think eternity. M is m erriness that fills the air of good will. A is the a ltruism in our hearts that give. S is the s erenity elicite...
December 1, 2005 by stevendedalus
In the wake of gas prices, Tom DeLay, Katrina, talk of troop withdrawal, Newsweek ’s box story “Naughty by Nature” featuring the Ferrari F430 Spider[11mpg city/16mpg hwy] for a mere $225K, upstages the auto TV ads of “normal” autos speeding across America defying conservation and speed limit laws. You see, the Spider has you in its web to do even more “naughty things” with its 483 horsepower and a top speed of 196mph. Only in America...and Fortune Magazine 
November 30, 2005 by stevendedalus
Pardon the presumptuousness, but why not consider purchasing my book--both volumes--from   w  and search for Tale of Love & War ?    
November 30, 2005 by stevendedalus
Julia Roberts may be a wife and mother, but she still brings home the bacon - to the tune of $20 million per movie.The 38-year-old star tops The Hollywood Reporter's annual list of the highest-paid actresses for the second straight year. Nicole Kidman is second, with a $16 million to $17 million per-film price tag, followed by "Walk the Line" star Reese Witherspoon and actress-producer Drew Barrymore, who each command $15 million per project. Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie and Cameron Dia...
November 30, 2005 by stevendedalus
It is shameful that the Democratic Party lacks the courage to stand by Murtha and save the lives of our troops; instead they take Bush’s stance to save face inasmuch as so many were for the war. Of course — as Murtha’s tear-jerking decision showed — there are no easy, absolute answers. Nevertheless, Iraq’s coming election on a permanent government should be a milestone for a phase one redeployment of say, 50,000 Coalition forces to Kuwait’s border, and ensuing incremental withdrawal as Iraqi ...
November 28, 2005 by stevendedalus
Though we’re not all created equal — not all are beautiful, healthy people, of high intelligence, and gifted — does it mean that inequality is acceptable? It may not be acceptable but it sure as hell is relentless reality. As our heart goes out for those who legitimately are shortchanged by nature, we somehow let the heart freeze when it is suggested that it is the responsibility of the state to do something about closing the gap as much as is possible because of our cynicism — not to mention...
November 28, 2005 by stevendedalus
Christmas decorations are upon us again and with the cries of commercialism and religion offending the undue sensitivity of the populace in lieu of simply accepting it for what it is: greed and devotion merging to forge, however shallow, a sense of good will. The conservatives are right in that this is a Christian nation and that one must do when in the US do what most Americans do and that is celebrate flauntingly either secularly or religiously. For parents of another faith, or of none at a...