Constructive gadfly

It is shameful that the Democratic Party lacks the courage to stand by Murtha and save the lives of our troops; instead they take Bush’s stance to save face inasmuch as so many were for the war. Of course — as Murtha’s tear-jerking decision showed — there are no easy, absolute answers. Nevertheless, Iraq’s coming election on a permanent government should be a milestone for a phase one redeployment of say, 50,000 Coalition forces to Kuwait’s border, and ensuing incremental withdrawal as Iraqi forces grow — whether competently or not. In addition, this gesture will weaken the hand of insurgents who claim their main motive is the presence of an occupational force. If the insurgents sustain their mass-murder, chances are the Islamic Middle East will turn against them and should muster their own forces against them as their problem, not ours.

Further, we cannot stay in Kuwait indefinitely, lest al Qaeda uses that — likened to our troops in Saudi —as motive to raise hell again. It should be clear by now that the war on terror rests with Muslim world’s fortitude to put an end aggressively to this maniacal destruction. In conjunction, withdrawal will be understood that all of Islam will be put on notice that if ever Muslim terror reaches our shores again, there will be punishing and ruthless retaliation.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 30, 2005.

on Nov 30, 2005

I think most officials have already indicated that drawdowns will occur in the near future as the Iraqis assume more and more of their defense.  HOwever, no commander in their right mind is going to give the terrorists a game plan on which to act.

Murtha's move was immature and wreckless.  I prefer the sanity of Lieberman myself.

on Nov 30, 2005

Further, we cannot stay in Kuwait indefinitely, lest al Qaeda uses that — likened to our troops in Saudi —as motive to raise hell again.

Yes, we really shouldn't do anything that Al-Qaeda don't want us to do.

You used to carry the bully's books, didn't you?
on Nov 30, 2005
Um,we shouldn't quit yet, because the job isn't over. Remind me to never hire a half-job hack like you for anything... I'm surprised you're even able to stick to anything long enough to finish an article.

In conjunction, withdrawal will be understood that all of Islam will be put on notice that if ever Muslim terror reaches our shores again, there will be punishing and ruthless retaliation.

I'm reminded of the Monty Python & The Holy Grail line... "Perhaps it will confuse him if we run away more."

Yeah, surrender to the bacteria, that'll show 'em!!
on Nov 30, 2005
Do people really believe that if our boys just walk out of Iraq that all will be well? What about those in Afganistan, in Israel, in Kuwait? What is wanted here is a complete withdrawel from the Middle East, and what do you think that will do?

I have reached a point where I want all my fellow American AF employees (I say employee because many seem to be interested in the money more than anything). Why? Just to see what would happen if we left the Middle East and let them deal with their own problems, to see if the attacks on US soil would be a thing of the past, to see if the world becomes a better place because they no longer have to deal with us there. To see if all these peopel who think we shouldn't be there are right.
on Nov 30, 2005
You used to carry the bully's books, didn't you?

Cute! But ridiculous. I'm the one who warned the bullies not to stir up the hornet's nest.
on Nov 30, 2005
Remind me to never hire a half-job hack like
like Bush who went to war half-assed.

on Nov 30, 2005
like Bush who went to war half-assed.

only if you were half of the war. ;~D
on Nov 30, 2005
I prefer the sanity of Lieberman myself.
Tip toe through the tulips.
If a nation can boldly declare war, why not declare the end of it, despite its leading to a civil war? Whether now or ten years from now the hatred among the three tribes dating back hundreds of years is not going to change it. Don't throw good lives at bad lowlifes.