Constructive gadfly
Published on December 6, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

Hillary against flag-burning! Wonders never cease.


on Dec 06, 2005
hmmm your link points an article on ju entitled 'dress code' dated 2/8/2005 and authored by that crazed firebrand left-wing revolutionary, steven dedalus.

is hillary taking a stand against schools making students wear the flag?
on Dec 06, 2005
I will trust that the link was an honest mistake and comment on Hillary's opposition to flag-burning... she is just trying to endear herself to the "moderate Republican" and the "centrists" out there. Even though she is a militant left-wing nutcase just like the rest of them.

Take that flag off, youngster!
on Dec 06, 2005
She is running for president before she wins the nomination of the Democrats.  And I thought she was supposed to be the smartest woman in the world?????
on Dec 06, 2005

authored by that crazed firebrand left-wing revolutionary, steven dedalus.
Oh, thank you so much!

She is running for president before she wins the nomination of the Democrats.
And before re-elected to the Senate.

No mistake; just a reminder that flag-burning is not to be treated lightly.

on Dec 06, 2005

No mistake; just a reminder that flag-burning is not to be treated lightly.

Just curious, by whom?(forget the religious right).

on Dec 07, 2005
Flag-burning should not be a public spectacle as in the Middle East. If a citizen has a gripe; he should burn it in his own backyard.
on Dec 07, 2005

Flag-burning should not be a public spectacle as in the Middle East. If a citizen has a gripe; he should burn it in his own backyard.

But I thought we had freedom to do it where we want, as long as no laws are broken of course. Why should I be limited to my backyard, what if I don't have a backyard? (keep in mind I am not looking foward to burning any flags, just curious questions)
on Dec 07, 2005
But I thought we had freedom to do it where we want, as long as no laws are broken of course. Why should I be limited to my backyard, what if I don't have a backyard? (keep in mind I am not looking forward to burning any flags, just curious questions)

Smarter to do it that way because no one sees you doing it. There are a TON of people out there that would get "severely" bent out of shape if they saw someone doing that. I "know" I would! I know this is going to draw a lot of flack but.....if I were to see a foreign national burning our flag here in America, they would more than likely get a 2x4 aside the head.
on Dec 07, 2005
just curious questions)
Fire escape, bathtub maybe?

Smarter to do it that way because no one sees you doing it.

You got that right!