Constructive gadfly
Published on December 16, 2005 By stevendedalus In Blogging

Dear Aunt Blabby:

I have a blogging problem. I can’t resist persuading liberal bloggers to join us conservatives in the pursuit of exclusive enlightenment. No matter how rational and convincing my arguments are, I still cannot resist being a smart ass.

For instance, I wrote: “I know liberals believe there’s no victory in sight with respect to Iraq, but you should at least acknowledge that we are there and cannot turn back the clock; we should therefore support the US troops and democratically famish people of Iraq.” I should’ve stopped there, but I concluded, “Otherwise, liberals are hoping for the victory of the insurgency.”

Signed Right Wing

Dear Right Wing:

Why would you not want to exhibit outrage toward a liberal who does not support our dear and heroic troops? Relax, it is perfectly understandable to be outraged by obvious lack of patriotism.


Dear Auntie Blabby:

I am a champion for the liberal cause on a predominantly conservative blog. No matter how many convincing arguments for the cause, I occasionally zing conservatives for being witless. Still, I have written hundreds of very reasonable blogs, they are seldom if ever read and commented on. What should I do to become more popular even though surrounded by the right?

Signed Frustrated Liberal

Dear F L:

Either you terminate the zings in an assumed fair article, or delete your “hundreds” and get the hell out of there.

Dear Aunt Blabby Helper:

The other day I scribed a comment to a blog. I accused the antiwar author of treason for not supporting our troops. She countered that there were more ways than mine to show support of our troops, and threatened to sue me for defamation. Can she?

Signed Ex Infantry Sergeant


Dear Veteran:

I doubt it because it is clearly evident that there is only one way to support our troops and that is to support the war. No matter what antiwar freaks say, they cannot support the troops in combat when against what they’re doing. Besides, even if the lawsuit materialized, it would be thrown out because on the basis of my research on where you live, which is heavily conservative. That said it would be safe to apologize and sign it with a winking smiley face.



Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 16, 2005.






on Dec 16, 2005

Dear Aunt Blabby:

I too, have a blogging problem. I'm a Canadian liberal socialist with some, albeit rare, conservative opinions. I have been blogging for a while now. Mostly, I just add comments to other blogs although I do have a few of my own. Lately I have noticed one liberal blogger who constantly blogs on the same topic. The conservatives on this blog constantly attack this blogger and call him a 'one trick pony'.

My question is this: I have noticed that most of the conservatives tend to blog on the same topic as well, namely how bad liberals are, you know, general liberal bashing. They seem quite preoccupied with it. Should I let them know that they are being 'one trick ponies' as well? I'm sure they would thank me for alerting them to this. What do you think?

Signed All 'one trick ponied' out.
on Dec 17, 2005
Dear All 'one trick ponied' out:
If you value your life don't try to impose the obvious onto conservatives, especially the liberal-bashers. You see, it is perfectly all right for conservatives to twang the same tune as the COL ilk, but they devoutly believe that liberals only whine and are always negative, but conservatives are never negative, for, they are devout truth-mongers.
on Dec 18, 2005
Steven, At least some of the conservatives choose a different subject.
(At least ooccasionally!)
on Dec 18, 2005
Steven, At least some of the conservatives choose a different subject.
True, but the undertone, if not the overture, is always there, zinging the left. 
on Dec 18, 2005

Dear Aunt Blabby

I am addicted to blogging.  I try to stay away, but then some stupid liberal makes some assinine statement, that I have to write an article on it, pointing out the obvious.  I know there are some really sane rational liberals out there, but they are so hard to find.  I do not much cotton to the extreme right as well, but the incidences there are so few and far between, and I do castigate them as well.  What is a person to do?

Signed, Dyed in the wool Conservative, but no friend to idiots on either side.

p.s.  Can you make Stevendedalus a conservative before he gets through to the wingnuts on the left and actually changes some of their minds so they are a real threat to the conservatives?

on Dec 19, 2005
Dear Dyed in the wool:
Control your blood pressure when lefties go off on tirade--two heated tempers head to head do not engender agreement or substantial educational discussion. When you see "Bush is dim-witted," instead of exhaling fire, philosophically reflect that your side has no hesitation in calling Kerry a traitor, both of which should settle you down and realize neither is worth your time--go watch "It's a Wonderful Life."
As for steven, he is no threat even though he thinks he is making some headway in persuading both sides to use commonsense with a little philosophical assistance. You need only to look at the sick number of comments to see that he is whisling in the wind.
Auntie Blabby
on Dec 22, 2005
Mostly, I just add comments to other blogs although I do have a few of my own.

Dear Ponied Out: Keep writing!-- my conservative friends are on a relentless roll and their arrogance is intolerable.