Constructive gadfly
Published on December 13, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics


Stay the course

War on terror

Majority rule

Freeze minimum wage

Tax cuts on investment income

Medicare for the eligible poor

Compassionate conservatives

No gays in the military

Loyalty to the White House

Tax cuts for the affluent

Congresspersons are scandalous

Iraq up front

Economy is growing

Trade Agreements good for corporations

Senators make poor presidential material

Plan for victory

FEMA doing well

Iraqis stand up, US troops stand down

Top Gun Cunningham cries

Bob Woodward, reporter

Cut and run

Interpol counter terrorism

Minority rights

Legislate living wage for families

Tax cuts on earned income

Universal health care

Bleeding for the unfortunate

Take what you can get in trying times

Question its every move

The poor don’t pay tax anyway

There are vastly more honest congresspersons

Afghanistan in the back of the bus

The gap between rich and poor is growing

Trade Agreements poor for working people

Especially Hillary

Howard Dean’s plan

Horses are happily grazing

Jack in the box perpetual motion

Oprah comforts him on couch

Bob Woodward, book peddler

on Dec 22, 2005
No takers, eh?