Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 22
January 28, 2006 by stevendedalus
Most of us considerably left of center do not think of ourselves as pro-abortion. Rather, it is up to the woman, and perhaps the man implicated, who must under trying circumstance make the weighty decision to abort. Contrary to the conservative perception, liberals do not encourage abortion, but simply that it is out of the jurisdiction of politics even though some may indeed think of it as a questionable murderous process resting with the individual conscience of the decision-maker[s]. Many lib...
January 28, 2006 by stevendedalus
Since liberals try to resist to a degree the temptation to be judgmental concerning lifestyles that minimally affect the common good or the nation's well-being, they should be apolitical concerning gay marriage; but  be no less   political in the area of gay's civil and constitutional rights. However, gays are encouraged to be discreet and not look foolishly defiant publicly, inasmuch as it is --and there is no other way of putting it--an aberration that is potentially i...
January 28, 2006 by stevendedalus
Affirmative action is not to give "preferential treatment" for the purpose of equality but rather as opening the door to minorities in order to finally be included in the "American dream." There are no guarantees that affirmative action will result in blanket equality as it is still up to the degree of fire in the anvil of ambition within the individual. That said, without it there would have been little gain from Jackie Robinson to Jamie Fox, Sandra O' Conner to Ruth Ginsburg.  Alito's lud...
January 28, 2006 by stevendedalus
Though implicit in the Constitution, separation of Church and State is today theory only; in my ancient days we were cautioned not to mix religion and politics because one was in the realm of private, spiritual conscience and the other in public secular conformity. No one needed religion to tell him that he should not expose himself in public, that he should remove his hat when a woman entered the elevator, that he should not expect anything more than a light kiss at the woman’s front door aft...
January 27, 2006 by stevendedalus
I have decided to take up JU's top banana Dr. Guy on his suggestion that most of my blogs could serve as links to counter arguments that "all Dems are idiots." In the event some are interested, I humbly submit some excerpts:  From Draft Dodging with Honor February 10, 2004. Having nobly or heroically performed in a war does not in itself give rise to integrity of character. Bush’s father was heroic in WWII; yet as vice president his character was questioned over the Iran-Cont...
January 27, 2006 by stevendedalus
"All of us saw on television, there is some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in history of racial discrimination, which cuts off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action. So let us restore all that we have cherished from yesterday, and let us rise above the legacy of inequality." No, not Lyndon Johnson discussing the War on Poverty, but George W. Bush after Katrina.
January 27, 2006 by stevendedalus
"And let me use the Far East as an example of what I'm talking about," the president said. "There were some 30,000 on the South Korean peninsula. As you might remember, we reduced the amount of manpower and replaced it with technology." What is that supposed to mean? Typical of one with an MB degree:greater productivity. Robots will be next--I hope they rush them to Iraq.
January 26, 2006 by stevendedalus
B umbling Leadership after the bullhorn in NY U nderstanding consequences dangerously lacking S pying on America substituted for spying on the enemy H arrying Saddam to the delight of North Korea and Iran A rrogating war on terrorism for perpetual power D elegating arrogant authority to those in agreement only M ishandling war and tax fairness I ntelligence motivating action without probable cause N on-existing WMD I ...
January 25, 2006 by stevendedalus
There will be five supreme justices when Alito is confirmed. How time has changed from the days of Al Smith and the convolution Kennedy had to perform before the Southern Baptists who feared the papacy would take over the White House. The reason there is no furor over the dominance of Catholics on the Supreme Court is that Catholics are no longer the silent liberal partners of the Democratic Party — as Kerry learned in the last election. Nor will any Democrat dare speak out against this rising...
January 18, 2006 by stevendedalus
Insurgents in Iraq have kidnapped more than 240 foreigners and killed at least 39 of them. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, more Iraqis have been abducted either by insurgents or gangs seeking ransoms. BAGHDAD, Iraq - Insurgents carried out two dramatic ambushes Wednesday, killing 11 people including two American civilians in a roadside bombing in Basra and an attack on an Iraqi convoy in Baghdad. In the most gruesome development, police said militants used this week's downing of a U.S. helico...
January 18, 2006 by stevendedalus
Thomas Jefferson implied that the new nation should remain essentially agrarian and let the mother country do most of the dirty work in manufacturing. Although we are by no means agrarian now, we certainly are primarily a service industry while foreign countries do the kind of work Jefferson had little use for. That the largest employer in the nation is a retail giant says something about how far we have lost the will to produce our own goods. Why, even in what was once the national game, we i...
January 17, 2006 by stevendedalus
What’s a guy to do when he finds himself virtually alone with his liberal views and encounters such reactions as: “If GWB had been President on Dec 7, 1941 he would have invaded China. After all, they are all Orientals.” “Yes it’s obviously because the ‘bleeding heart, tree hugging, peace nics’ of the world are just more prone to violence.” “Passion can take many forms. Rarely does it take the form of violence, except on the left.” “Government exist...
January 16, 2006 by stevendedalus
  When it is apparent that the US entered the war undermanned — and the ensuing years’ increasing casualties support this — is it really “supporting our troops” who are there as it were as a brave lost battalion? If it is true that early withdrawal would result in chaos — as if it didn’t now prevail — then why a mere skeletal force to try to maintain minimal order? Is that fair to ask our troops to hold the line, so to speak, without fully reinforcing them? Personally, I think that whether...
January 15, 2006 by stevendedalus
Cheney during his last visit to Iraq was guarded by US troops with guns at “ready arms” while backed up by Iraqi forces pretending to be at ready arms since they had no guns. Can you guess the hidden message? Habeas Corpus is no joke. A man, named Mann, was held for 15 months in a Dallas jail. Accused of contempt-of -court, had he had a speedy trial, the irony is that his sentence would have been only two months. A jay walker was given a $5 ticket even though he was hit by a Toyo...
January 14, 2006 by stevendedalus
  What is the point of judicial hearings on Supreme Court nominees if it is unwritten law — since Bork, anyway — that a candidate is not obligated to give direct testimony? Stock replies such as I cannot comment, even on a hypothetical case since it could very well become a reality before the court and I would therefore be prejudging a case. Or: Without having all the briefs and facts before me it would be indiscreet for me to conjecture. Why, then, have hearings at all inasmuch as it i...