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stevendedalus's Articles » Page 20
March 14, 2006 by stevendedalus
Obviously the preferred scenario in Palestine is that the Hamas go away. Nevertheless, it must be reckoned with and would be foolish for the Bush administration, originally cool but accepting, to repeat the mistakes — not unlike those in the early Fidel Castro days — by not backing Palestine’s new government or insisting on preconditions. We should not lecture them, but rather encourage that they scramble for decent governance and wish them well. The US can always withdraw moral and financial ...
March 14, 2006 by stevendedalus
I can sympathize — not empathize — with the right to life enthusiasts who believe a fetus in its early formative stage should not be aborted, but I draw the line when they insist the right to life is unconditional, such as out of incest, rape or one under age. However, I  give them absolutely no leeway when it comes to over the counter contraceptive Plan B or emergency contraception that — not to be confused with the abortion pill RU-486 —  effectively prevents unwanted pregnancy ...
March 8, 2006 by stevendedalus
What would the Muslim world do had Muhammad been depicted in dung as was the Virgin Mary or his sacred crescent inverted and dunked in urine? Bring on Armageddon.
March 8, 2006 by stevendedalus
Why, it’s like Rove obsessing Hillary, when atheists protest theism, then have the effrontery to lump themselves together with secular humanists and agnostics. Why can’t they stand alone as champions of denial?
March 8, 2006 by stevendedalus
Twenty-five of our fellow-lassies Christian persons, demonstrated against torture outside Guantánamo Bay. A Catholic worker was quoted: “We want our fellow Americans to see the shameful acts of torture and abuse taking place in this and other illegal prisons hidden across the globe.” O where were these kinds of Catholics during the Inquisition ?
March 8, 2006 by stevendedalus
Kate O’Beirne, Fox News talking head and political editor of National Review wrote a book with the elongated title: Women Who Make the World Worse: and How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, and Sports . I was disappointed in that indexing famous bitchy ladies, she was impelled to overlook our soft-spoken JU feminists.
March 8, 2006 by stevendedalus
That there exists a universal belief in God does not in itself make the existence of God a reality. The first primitive man who felt a soft breeze caressing his bristled face and inferred there must be a loving goddess blowing kisses does not a spirit make, anymore than a biting, frosty wind through his beard embodies an angry god. Nor does the existence of a spiritual marketplace in which the world’s religions vie for desperate consumers in search of solace suggest the existence of a caring,...
March 6, 2006 by stevendedalus
It took awhile for him to break ties from his alma mater’s Owl Club, an all-male socio-political group evicted from Harvard in the 80s for violating anti-discrimination laws, according to AP.
March 6, 2006 by stevendedalus
The audacious and mendacious Senator Susan Collins claims the White House gag order on Katrina is “completely inappropriate.” Maybe the White House meant Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation , a liberal “rag.”
March 4, 2006 by stevendedalus
If its okay for South Dakota to ban abortion, why is not okay for Maryland to mandate Wal*Mart to ante-up health care for its employees? Is not choice a sort of social laissez-faire that should not be violated? No, that would be crossing the line of business sanctity.   Auntie Millie Cheney isn’t really spying on one’s favorite aunt — unless her nephew is Bin Laden.
March 3, 2006 by stevendedalus
We damned liberals are at it again! Greenpeace activists tossed a fin of a dead whale in front of a Japanese embassy in protest over Japan’s goal to kill a thousand whales for scientific research. Now, why should we care? Whales are big enough to take care of themselves.
March 3, 2006 by stevendedalus
It is supremely ironic that the nation’s most liberal university would react to the outspoken leadership of its president, L.H. Summers, by significantly contributing to his resignation. The small minority of faculty within the Arts & Science Departments wherein he criticized the lack of scholarship in the former and gender imbalance in the latter. True, he did raise the hackles of women by suggesting their scientific shortcomings, for which he promptly apologized, despite its nagging trut...
March 2, 2006 by stevendedalus
I know male-chauvinists resent liberated women, but is it carrying it too far to court-martial SPC Katherine Jashinski of the Texas National Guard for changing her mind [surely, a woman’s prerogative] by filing for conscientious objector status and refusing to be deployed to Iraq? Why not relent as good chauvinists by patting her cheek along with a loving sentiment: "Okay, honey, return to the kitchen.” "
March 1, 2006 by stevendedalus
An academic freedom case is pending because a primary level teacher said in a classroom when asked about peace demonstrations in town: “While driving by I honked my horn to held up signs that said ‘Honk for Peace’… It is important for people to seek peaceful solutions to a problem before going to war and that we train kids on the playground to be mediators in seeking out peaceful solutions.”
February 28, 2006 by stevendedalus
Much has been said about eavesdropping and email snooping; it has caught my attention that snail mail is now a target — opened and then green-taped with the message “Opened for Border Protection” with the seal of Homeland Security affixed. I hope this is rare and that it will not filter down to our troops and their families’ mail.