Constructive gadfly
Published on March 8, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

Kate O’Beirne, Fox News talking head and political editor of National Review wrote a book with the elongated title: Women Who Make the World Worse: and How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, and Sports. I was disappointed in that indexing famous bitchy ladies, she was impelled to overlook our soft-spoken JU feminists.

on Mar 08, 2006
You think radical feminism makes things better?

What exactly didn't you like about the list? Who didn't deserve to be on it? Frankly, I think the "all sex is rape" crowd aren't really that productive, and wouldn't dream of putting them in the same class as the women here at JU.
on Mar 08, 2006

Radical feminism is no worse than radical anti-equal rights amendment O'Beirne stands by.

She makes atrocious presuppositions that all feminists are radical in crying gender discrimination, in women wasting their lives bringing up children, that they believe marriage is oppressive, espouse that women should be firefighters and join foxhole ranks, that women should reprogram men to think like women. She blisters Hillary for espousing child care villages, Jane Fonda for donating $12 million to Harvard for anti-men courses, claims Justice Ginsburg hates Mother's Day and Girl Scouts.

And has Limbaugh endorse her book as "Know your enemy. Buy her gutsy book."

Now that's radicalism we can do without, thank you.   

on Mar 08, 2006
But did she make it all up? People should blister Hillary for her idiotic, gated-community fantasy world crap. Ginsburg did say that the Boy and Girl Scouts "perpetuate stereotyped sex roles."

What stance does she take regarding anti-feminism that you consider more radical than the ultra-feminists she quotes? She must be somehow worse, because you can stomach them, but not her. I'm confused how you can be tolerant of the people she mentions who are ALSO making awful, intolerant pressuppositions, but consider her too radical to grant any respect.

You consider people who berate women for staying home with their kids somehow superior to people who speak out against them? Odd.
on Mar 08, 2006
I would direct your attention to Gideon MacLeish's article on the difference between feminist and Female Supremacy.
on Mar 08, 2006

I would direct your attention to Gideon MacLeish's article on the difference between feminist and Female Supremacy.
Good point.

Baker, again you take me too seriously--can't a guy have a little fun?

on Mar 08, 2006
I CAN'T TELL WHEN YOU ARE JOKING!!! Gah!!! emote or something.
on Mar 08, 2006
Interestingly I found out this summer that Kate is a distant relative. Hmm, I'd say that's a point for nurture in the nature v. nurture debate
on Mar 08, 2006
Who are the JU feminists?
on Mar 08, 2006
Interestingly I found out this summer that Kate is a distant relative. Hmm, I'd say that's a point for nurture in the nature v. nurture debate

Can I have your autograph?
on Mar 09, 2006
Who are the JU feminists?
Don't ask don't tell.