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stevendedalus's Articles » Page 19
April 8, 2006 by stevendedalus
Back in the 30s communism gave socialism a bad name; FDR changed it to the New Deal. In the 50s Senator McCarthy changed the New Deal back to communism. While Hillary Clinton as First Lady was busy selling the country on Universal Health Care, corporations secretly were hungrily supporting it until the Republicans shot it down as socialized medicine. Now as corporations are nearing bankruptcy owing to escalating health insurance for their employees, they might this time put their collect...
April 2, 2006 by stevendedalus
Reminder for Mom and Dad's Days. Click, you might like it.
April 2, 2006 by stevendedalus
The problem, dear Citizen, does not lie with the Dubai Crescent, but within ourselves. Though I was for dumping Dubai, it was not owing to racism, national security, or post 9/11 anxiety, but rather to dramatize the need for limiting our selling off American enterprise. After all, the city ports have their duly municipal authorized agencies to oversee their security — not to mention the rugged American stevedore unions — and, of course, the Coastguard, though woefully shortchanged...
April 1, 2006 by stevendedalus
Bush is toying with the idea that to sustain his fortitude to stay the course is to go back to drinking. To agree with Bush and McCain on the guest worker position Ted Kennedy had to guzzle down one too many tequilas. It’s rumored that smart ass Chris Matthews claims that Nancy Pelosi would have to emblematically put on an armored vest and helmet to track down Bin Laden to further the new get-tough on security policy forged by the Democrats. This would parallel Dukakis peering out...
March 31, 2006 by stevendedalus
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A Swedish court has imposed a 20,000 kronor ($2,600) fine on a woman kennel owner who refused to sell a puppy to a lesbian. The kennel owner, who was not identified, had initially been willing to sell the woman a puppy but changed her mind when she found out the woman was living with a lesbian partner, according to Sweden's discrimination ombudsman, a government watchdog who filed the lawsuit. I suppose, the free enterprise folks would defend the business owner on t...
March 29, 2006 by stevendedalus
When in the throes of war, troops find it difficult to elaborate on the bright side. The Post’s National Weekly Edition interviewed, supposedly in depth, a hundred troops in Iraq. Critics will immediately pounce on the article as skewed in order to emphasize the dark side of war. The criticism would be unwarranted and unrealistic even though Post showed a picture of an American soldier seated midst Iraqi school children in a classroom built by US troops — admittedly safely ensconced in a po...
March 28, 2006 by stevendedalus
Tell, pray Is there Out there In heaven's bay A story book romance for me alone That every holiday My mind to the snap of the wishbone Would dare? Chorus Out there A story book romance for me alone My mind to the snap of the wishbone Would dare. Do showcase If you please She's with grace And amenities Like flashing eyes to rival Christmas green And ha...
March 27, 2006 by stevendedalus
Sasha Cohen is arguably the most graceful figure skater since Peggy Fleming. She is a ballerina on ice and despite her infectious shortcomings in jumps, she manages to medal in competition--but never the gold. At Calgary she was the overwhelming favorite as she was at Torino where she had to settle for silver because she simply has not the athletic confidence to consistently perfect her jumps and again she failed miserably at Calgary but because of her impeccable artististic style eked...
March 24, 2006 by stevendedalus
All the talk about amnesty guest workers for illegal immigrants is pointless without first fixing the current chaos at the borders. Any political solution to the existing illegal immigrants now working within the economy will only further serve as an incentive for others to invade our borders. We must set up a viable military bloc along the borders and treat the violators as criminals and immediately sent back to their home country. Further, the Secretary of State’s office must insist that the...
March 24, 2006 by stevendedalus
This is a self-serving reminder to buy my book. It would make a fine gift for the older generation since it takes place during the Great Depression and WWII.
March 23, 2006 by stevendedalus
Personally, I believe there is highly probable cause to impeach both Bush and Cheney, as is a very slim majority in agreement. It would generate so much controversy that the nation would lose sight — more than it does now — of the exigencies of the greater good. There is little doubt that the dynamic duo would be found guilty of charges that they deceived the people in believing Saddam was connected to the 9/11 tragedy, that he possessed WMD of so pressing a matter that we should not wait for ...
March 23, 2006 by stevendedalus
To crudely paraphrase Jefferson who said there should be a political revolution every generation to keep government on the path of integrity. The current political scene surely is probable cause for a revolutionary change in the ways things are done or more so not done. Foreign Affairs The Afghanistan conflict now in its fifth year and proportionately just as bloody as Iraq is essentially a forgotten war. Though we try to give aid and comfort to its people, it is cumbersome and m...
March 22, 2006 by stevendedalus
WASHINGTON - President Bush said Tuesday that American forces will remain in Iraq for years and it will be up to a future president to decide when to bring them all home. But defying critics and plunging polls, he declared, "I'm optimistic we'll succeed. If not, I'd pull our troops out." Just what is this supposed to mean? That it will be up to the next president who will have to be pessimistic to pull out the troops? How about a president who will be realistic and say "enough already"? ...
March 17, 2006 by stevendedalus
With few exceptions — Murtha, Pelosi, Dean, Feingold — Democrats are fearful of taking on the President. For that reason alone I now shred DNC solicitation for funds. Any opposing party that does not oppose is no party at all, particularly in the throes of this blatantly authoritarian body politic. Republicans who fawn over the president is understandable and expected — despite Bush’s currently falling popularity — but for Democrats to have wilted under the flurries of pressure for the ...
March 17, 2006 by stevendedalus
  Flamethrower's Remarks really very simple, George is the epitome of everything the far left hates. George is Pro-American the far left is NOT! George is for traditional values, the Far left hates traditional values and is looking to turn America into Europe. George keeps his word, the left has no word to keep. George believes marriage is between a man and women, the left believes it's between a man and child, two women or two men, soon to come, man an...