Constructive gadfly
Published on March 17, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

With few exceptions — Murtha, Pelosi, Dean, Feingold — Democrats are fearful of taking on the President. For that reason alone I now shred DNC solicitation for funds. Any opposing party that does not oppose is no party at all, particularly in the throes of this blatantly authoritarian body politic.

Republicans who fawn over the president is understandable and expected — despite Bush’s currently falling popularity — but for Democrats to have wilted under the flurries of pressure for the past five years is sickening. Democrats are as much to blame for foraging the surplus through unseemly tax-cuts and sinking us into further debt, even before 9/11. That they allowed themselves to be swept up by the flag-waving to go along with a war extraneous to terrorism is not only cowardice but subject to recall for failing to do their duty as representatives of their respective constituency.

The Me-Tooism of Kerry’s bid for the presidency with regard to the war in Iraq was not what his followers expected and was embarrassing and shameless that he failed to challenge the deceitful manner in which we were ushered into war — let alone his weakness in taking the Swiftboat Commanders to task.

Current polls showing Hillary in a commanding lead among possible candidates is ominous that “08 will be more of the same: war is okay as long as it is carried out competently. Americans are entitled to more: I trust they are fed up with childish war mentality driven by improbable cause of preëmptive paranoia, not to mention the exploitation of the national guard and an all-volunteer armed services. It is obvious, too, that though people may not have been ready for universal health care in ‘92, does not now preclude a serious, master plan to find coverage for all citizens, beginning with all new-borns and current children on into adult life. Dubai surely has dramatized, not only the dire need for homeland security, but the relentless drive to selling out America, which can only be prevented by getting tough with domestic and multinational corporations.

Required reading for all Democrat politicians should be Profiles in Courage that they may find some backbone to thumb their noses at extreme conservatives.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: March 17, 2006.

on Mar 17, 2006
I dont agree with your selection.  I would include Gore, Kerry, Kennedy and a host of others.  They are not fawning over W, they are following their sirens over the cliff.  Lemings are not restricted to Norway.
on Mar 17, 2006
They are critical of Bush but not very effective at it.
on Mar 17, 2006
They are critical of Bush but not very effective at it.

But then, at this point with no positive agenda, is that not the summation of all of them?
on Mar 17, 2006
The entire democratic platform is 'BASH BUSH" take that away from them and all you have is silence.
on Mar 17, 2006
What do you suggest? I think folks should have a second choice instead of the tired old Democratic party. Heck, split it into as many pieces as you like. We on the Right are hoping desperately that we'll see a new party that is exactly what you want...
on Mar 17, 2006
Having just retired from the military at the time of the last election, I can tell you that a large number of people both in the military or connected with the military voted for Bush, not necessarily because we thought he was the best choice, but because we knew that John Kerry was the wrong choice. I have heard nothing but venom and hatred from the democratic party in the last 6 years, so why should I or anyone else vote your way? Show me a candidate that can do more than assess blame and I might pay attention. Having lived through the Clinton administration and watching a young Marine decide between pride and food stamps, because our pay raise didn't match inflation, yeah the democrats are on the mark. Tell me why I should even bother since I have seen the damage done by the democrats policies. Change my mind, show me a Democratic leader that can do more than point a finger, because trust me if a viable Third Party candidate shows up, both parties are in trouble.
on Mar 17, 2006
the exploitation of the national guard and an all-volunteer armed services. It is obvious, too, that though people may not have been ready for universal health care in ‘92, does not now preclude a serious, master plan to find coverage for all citizens, beginning with all new-borns and current children on into adult life. Dubai surely has dramatized, not only the dire need for homeland security, but the relentless drive to selling out America, which can only be prevented by getting tough with domestic and multinational corporations.

Wow. This is really weak, steve. Overly broad generalizations with overly thin underpinnings, not to mention tired, failed ideas - not your usual thoughtful self. Too much green beer?
on Mar 17, 2006
Too much green beer?
Perhaps and top of the morning to you.

But then, at this point with no positive agenda, is that not the summation of all of them?
Not really, and I'm not looking for a messianic leader of a religious nature but one of the second meaning that can charasmatically effect secularly positive change for the greatest number who are clamoring for peaceful measures toward a better world that would steadfastly minimize domestic and world conflict.

What do you suggest?
will get back to you.
on Mar 17, 2006
The entire democratic platform is 'BASH BUSH"
Oh, I wouldn't quite equate the entire party with COL ranting.

Having lived through the Clinton administration and watching a young Marine decide between pride and food stamps
Though I am not enamored of the Clinton years, he did up the ante to take servicemen families off food stamps.
on Mar 19, 2006
Having lived through the Clinton administration and watching a young Marine decide between pride and food stamps
Though I am not enamored of the Clinton years, he did up the ante to take servicemen families off food stamps.

"If" you read Grog's post, he tells a far different tale.
on Mar 19, 2006
To each his own.
on Mar 19, 2006
will get back to you.

To each his own.

Powerful stuff.
on Mar 22, 2006
Powerful stuff.
The fact reamains that Clinton did improve the living conditions of military families.

Perhaps it was the green beer.
This is really weak, steve. Overly broad generalizations with overly thin underpinnings, not to mention tired, failed ideas
Or perhaps it's that you are unable to comprehend my suggestions.

on Mar 22, 2006

will get back to you, Baker:

Progressive American Axioms for the future


Public education sequentially for 14 years and within the framework of pupils' unique craft abilities and intellectual capacity at no cost.

Equal footing in positive pursuit of citizen goals culturally and economically.


Workplace environment of dignity and an aim to guarantee wages 50% above variant poverty lines.

Enhance standards and individual responsibility for decently maintained housing and by subsidy if necessary.


Maintain a clear publication of simplified treasury report from all branches of government.

Convenient election polls and five days in which to cast ballot.


All election campaigns not to exceed six months.

Primary elections held within a three-week timeframe.


Instructional — no negative — political ads posted or aired by the media at no cost to qualified candidates.

Effective border, airport and seaport protection.


Tax incentives for investment in infrastructure, in-source companies.


Pragmatic action on environmental issues.

Energy independence from fossil fuels and aggressive projects for alternative fuels.


Massive infrastructure projects to reflect the needs of a new century.


Health care as a right, not an insurance choice.

Social security as a right, not insurance, for blue collar workers at the age of 67 and white collar at the age of 70, unless unable or disabled.


Public debate of extreme religious issues and secular effrontery discouraged.  

Aside from indisputably clear and present danger, there be a formal declaration to go to war.


Perceive violent crime as equal to terrorism and expect a revival of intense prevention and criminal charges.

Illegal immigration to be terminated for good.


Federal, state and local lobbying to be open and public — private, self-serving dealings a felony.

Avoidance of cronyism by strict credentials for public office.  


Federal match by one-half voluntary Social Security Plus invested in mutual funds and corporate bonds..

Are required, after the 14 year learning sequence, to enter community or armed service for one year at minimal compensation. Those who wish to extend the learning sequence may enter community service part-time on or off campus.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 10, 2006.