Constructive gadfly

Sasha Cohen is arguably the most graceful figure skater since Peggy Fleming. She is a ballerina on ice and despite her infectious shortcomings in jumps, she manages to medal in competition--but never the gold. At Calgary she was the overwhelming favorite as she was at Torino where she had to settle for silver because she simply has not the athletic confidence to consistently perfect her jumps and again she failed miserably at Calgary but because of her impeccable artististic style eked out the bronze.

The new American figure skating darling and world champion is Kimmie Meissner, whose enthusiasm, confidence and athletic competitiveness overwhelmed the competing skaters. Only sixteen, she has already with ease mastered the triple jumps; there is no doubt she will finesse her artistry in time for the next Olympics.  

on Mar 27, 2006

Kimmie is indeed an athlete in the making!  your assessment of her is on target. 

I don't agree with your statement tho about Sasha being the most graceful skater since Peggy. 

Michelle Kwan skates like a butterfly on the ice, graceful, at one with the music,  and athletic too.

on Mar 27, 2006
Touché. It's too bad she had to drop out of Torino; she's been magnificent over the years. Yet, she, too, lost the gold both times to exuberant teenagers.