Constructive gadfly
Published on April 8, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

Back in the 30s communism gave socialism a bad name; FDR changed it to the New Deal. In the 50s Senator McCarthy changed the New Deal back to communism.

While Hillary Clinton as First Lady was busy selling the country on Universal Health Care, corporations secretly were hungrily supporting it until the Republicans shot it down as socialized medicine. Now as corporations are nearing bankruptcy owing to escalating health insurance for their employees, they might this time put their collective moxie together and support it.

While the middle class is stuck in wage stagflation, will “family values” become a dead issue?

Republicans will never get it that infrastructure is not costs but a nation’s assets; most were even against Eisenhower’s interstate highway program.

Criminalizing illegal immigrants already here is like a football coach emphasizing Dee-fense after his team has fallen behind by 48 points.


on Apr 09, 2006
Interesting quotes.  I especially like the last one!  That one gets you an insightful!
on Apr 09, 2006
My, such generosity! It must be the palm you got today.