Constructive gadfly

Affirmative action is not to give "preferential treatment" for the purpose of equality but rather as opening the door to minorities in order to finally be included in the "American dream." There are no guarantees that affirmative action will result in blanket equality as it is still up to the degree of fire in the anvil of ambition within the individual. That said, without it there would have been little gain from Jackie Robinson to Jamie Fox, Sandra O' Conner to Ruth Ginsburg.  Alito's ludicrous comment that fences were brought in for Hank Aaron in his criticism of "preferential treatment" should have been countered with the same preference for Babe Ruth in light of the short right field stadium porch designed specifically for the Bambino. 


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 28, 2006.

on Jan 28, 2006
I think there's a fine line between ensuring equal opportunity and providing preferential treatment.

Is Affirmative Action still needed? I'm not sure.

I'm not old enough to know firsthand and remember a time when prejudice was the status quo. Although it still exists, it seems to be something that is more insidious and hidden instead of outrightly stated.

Honestly, I don't know where I stand on Affirmative Action. I think we need to guard against punishing or rewarding people based on race (or sex, or any other peripheral factors), and if Affirmative Action serves that function, then it should be abolished. However, if it does indeed protect against unfair bias in hiring and promotion and admission, etc. practices without punishing qualified and accomplished non-minorities simply because of their race, then perhaps it is good and necessary. I suppose it all depends on how it is put into practice.

And how's that for a wishy-washy comment? Hahaha.
on Jan 29, 2006
I suppose it all depends on how it is put into practice.

And how's that for a wishy-washy comment? Hahaha.
Aye, practice does not always make perfect! No, not wishy washy, rather totally honest.

on Jan 29, 2006
Affirmative action is making sure that the door is open for people of particular races regardless of the fact that other candidates who are turned away might be more qualified or deserving. It is about making people deserving of something based upon the color of their skin. Do that in a college, you're a hero. Do that at a golf club, you're a racist...
on Jan 29, 2006
Sorry but affirmative action is the ultimate form of racism!
on Jan 29, 2006
Do that at a golf club, you're a racist...

should the officers and members of baltimore's elkridge country club decide to accept 1 new member and stipulate he or she (heh) be black, you're right.

the club would still be a racist organization.
on Jan 29, 2006
The allusion to Alito not withstanding, the intent of Affirmative action was to provide equal access, but doing it by being in effect racist. You correctly point out that equal access does not mean equal results, but today that seems to be the intent of Affirmative Action. We have laws that guarantee equal access, out side of AA. WHy then do we continue to kowtow to such a racist institution?
on Jan 29, 2006
WHy then do we continue to kowtow to such a racist institution?

Still have a lot of catching up to do. AA is technically an ombudsman oversight to insure that deservingminorities--granted some not on a par with others due to inferior preparation--get a fair shake. SAT scores and apprentice skills are not the only criteria.
on Jan 29, 2006
Sorry but affirmative action is the ultimate form of racism!
LIke the GI Bill, Hank Aaron, Justice Thomas, I trust?

you're right.

the club would still be a racist organization.
Agreed. Years ago my brother-in-law was turned down at an all Jewish country club for being a grimy Catholic.
on Jan 29, 2006
Still have a lot of catching up to do. AA is technically an ombudsman oversight to insure that deservingminorities--granted some not on a par with others due to inferior preparation--get a fair shake. SAT scores and apprentice skills are not the only criteria.

I disagree, It only serves to perpetuate racism today.
on Jan 29, 2006
It only serves to perpetuate racism today.
I agree AA is inflammatory, and many blacks are doing okay. At the same time, it is a plus to end racism by extracting as many as possible out of disadvantaged status.
on Jan 29, 2006

At the same time, it is a plus to end racism by extracting as many as possible out of disadvantaged status.

At its inception, yes.  Now it just makes a new class of second class citizens.