Constructive gadfly
Published on January 17, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

What’s a guy to do when he finds himself virtually alone with his liberal views and encounters such reactions as:

“If GWB had been President on Dec 7, 1941 he would have invaded China. After all, they are all Orientals.”

“Yes it’s obviously because the ‘bleeding heart, tree hugging, peace nics’ of the world are just more prone to violence.”
“Passion can take many forms. Rarely does it take the form of violence, except on the left.”

“Government exists to perpetuate itself, not the good of the people.

“The circulation of many once great newspapers has fallen to an all time low due to there obvious hatred of America and the Bush administration.

Signed: Frustratedalus

Dear Frustratedalus:

It seems you have but three options:

Delete all your stuff and exit while you still have some liberal pride left.

Grin and bear the unkind cuts by continuing the struggle to express your unpopular views. There is the rarest hope and possibility that someone with reason may actually stumble on your blog entry and respond with empathy.

Dumb down your thinking to their level and accept the slothful monolithic irrationality.

Your Aunt Blabby

Dear Aunt Blabby:

I am a conservative blogger on a website that — much like Tom DeLay’s hammer— bludgeons me to think monolithically to the extreme right when often I wish to be open minded and make an attempt to understand the insights — however convoluted — of the left. By trying to see both sides of an issue, I could from there create some semblance of common ground. But my inscrutable fellow bloggers accuse me of treachery when I dare part from the singular perspective to damn anything left of Bushism.

Signed: Guymoderate

Dear Guymoderate:

Blogging is greatly misunderstood to be a forum that vents venom upon the political landscape. The original purpose of blogging was to share one’s emotional and intellectual expressions across the web with the hope that feedback would be respectful of the writer’s views and build upon it with either a careful synthesis or at least a valid antithesis. Blog sites were never meant to be ideological madness from either side. I urge you to continue the fight for common ground.

Your Sympathetic Aunt.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 17, 2006.


on Jan 17, 2006

“Government exists to perpetuate itself, not the good of the people.

That one I have to agree with.  Sorry Aunt Blabby.

on Jan 18, 2006
That one I have to agree with.
It's probably your comment!
on Jan 18, 2006
t's probably your comment!


I liked the article too, steven. funny
on Jan 18, 2006
Funny and sad.