Constructive gadfly
Published on January 26, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

Bumbling Leadership after the bullhorn in NY

Understanding consequences dangerously lacking

Spying on America substituted for spying on the enemy

Harrying Saddam to the delight of North Korea and Iran

Arrogating war on terrorism for perpetual power

Delegating arrogant authority to those in agreement only

Mishandling war and tax fairness

Intelligence motivating action without probable cause

Non-existing WMD

Instability perpetuated in Iraq

Social Security reform misunderstood — still the third rail

Threat of terror is the daily bread of a harried homeland security

Rove, the Wizard behind the curtain of deceit

Alito, the final nail in the coffin of Roe v Wade

Trade imbalance marking the end of American enterprise

Incapable of handling crises both abroad and at home

Obdurately staying the course dependent upon haphazard events

Neo-Cons still unaccountable for drumming up fear in order to rush to a war of bad choice


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 26, 2006.

on Jan 26, 2006
Seems someone did not have their wheaties this morning.
on Jan 26, 2006
Seems that someone can see the REAL: Bush
on Jan 26, 2006
Seems that someone can see the REAL: Bush

Seems that someone only sees what they want to see.
on Jan 26, 2006
I haven't seen that many lies since I read col's last post.
on Jan 26, 2006
BIGGEST crock of sh*t going!
on Jan 26, 2006

Neo-Cons still unaccountable for drumming up fear in order to rush to a war of bad choice

Would you tell that to the faces of those who lost their relatives to Saddam?

on Jan 27, 2006

BIGGEST crock of sh*t going!
The word is spelled batshit from an old marine to an administration that doesn't give a damn.

Would you tell that to the faces of those who lost their relatives to Saddam?
Of course not; the troops died bravely for their country--right or wrong. 

on Jan 27, 2006


Seems someone did not have their wheaties this morning.
True, raisin bran works better when one feels like shitting all over the administration. 

Seems that someone only sees what they want to see.
Oh? Is that something new on JU--or does it just apply to Dems?

Seems that someone can see the REAL: Bush
The other side definitely doesn't.

on Jan 27, 2006
Wow! Brazil is big.
Europe is America's closest ally.
Listen, I want to thank leaders of the in the faith faith-based and community-based community for being here.
Let me put it to you bluntly. In a changing world, we want more people to have control over your own life.

So thank you for reminding me about the importance of being a good mom and a great volunteer as well.
As a matter of fact, I know relations between our governments is good.
It's a myth to think I don't know what's going on.
Do you have blacks, too?

on Jan 27, 2006
W-E-L-L S-A-I-D! Classic!! But, heck, he's our President!
on Jan 27, 2006
Good point, maybe I should be more respectful.
on Jan 27, 2006

True, raisin bran works better when one feels like shitting all over the administration.

At least you do have a flair and panache' for it.

on Jan 29, 2006
Good point, maybe I should be more respectful.
Just don't advertise it--too embarrassing.

At least you do have a flair and panache' for it.

Fortunately for you it is not my steady diet.