Constructive gadfly
Published on December 27, 2005 By stevendedalus In Misc

Johnny Damon will probably be sent back to Bean Country for refusing to cut his hair under the Yankee appearance code .… Seems if they couldn’t get it right on Sept.11 and on WMDs in Iraq what makes Republicans so sure that the CIA and NSA will get it right this time listening in on all of America? … Most youth are secular, as only natural, since their parents brought them up that way, notwithstanding this vast majority that attends religious services. So why not trust our youth, despite their garish styles to keep the faith during biology class that spirit is moving in strange, inexplicable ways behind the process of “natural selection”? How is it all these massive growing battalions of Iraqi forces don’t have the grit to stand on their own two feet and defend their homeland — or are they just a cardboard facade, relying heavily on US forces to prop them up?

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