Constructive gadfly
Resolved that:
Published on January 1, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

Resolved that:

All troops in Iraq be home by the end of the year, except for minimal participation in UN peacekeeping.

Surveillance be conducted with high priority on targeted probable cause, but also be discreet with regard to privacy rights of average citizens.

The Democratic Party finds its traditional soul on the side of working people and reaches a sensible consensus on religious issues.

The Republican Party return to its roots of fiscal responsibility and resists the phony family values position.

Bush recognizes the dual role of the presidency as commander in chief and executive in chief of domestic concerns.

More attention be directed to education in building character, work ethic, technology and intellect for the nation’s future.

Scrap the entire medical insurance fiasco in favor of a single payer for health care.

Scrap the minimum wage and set up starting wages for various occupations with automatic raises every six months based on clearly delineated merit.

Stockholders revolt by insisting on the monitoring of frivolous expenditures, including inflated salaries and perks to executives.

Private and organizational lobbying patently predicated on greed or unwarranted economic gain be outlawed.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 1, 2006.

on Jan 01, 2006
This sounds like wishes not resolutions. Not that they're bad wishes but you can't resolve something that you don't control.
on Jan 01, 2006
You're right. Defeatism is our worst resolve.
on Jan 02, 2006
Well, let's see, you have some noble ones (if pipe dreams), some impossible ones (that are more like nightmares), and some squirrely ones! (stockholders).  I would like to see some come true as well, but I am  not going to hold my breath.
on Jan 02, 2006
Scrap the minimum wage and set up starting wages for various occupations with automatic raises every six months based on clearly delineated merit.

>double take< wwwhhhhaaaa???

I'm sorry, everything else was all right, but that one was buried in there pretty well. Totally out of left field. Could you please elaborate?
on Jan 03, 2006
Could you please elaborate?
All jobs are not equal; a starting salary at $5.50 per hour might be okay for most service jobs that are usually temporary or in constant transition, but a kid beginning as an apprentice roofer should be worth more depending on the demand for this type labor. Either way an employee who is loyal and sticks it out should be qualified to earn more after six months. The free labor market would determine the wage rates and raises.
on Jan 04, 2006

All jobs are not equal; a starting salary at $5.50 per hour might be okay for most service jobs that are usually temporary or in constant transition, but a kid beginning as an apprentice roofer should be worth more depending on the demand for this type labor. Either way an employee who is loyal and sticks it out should be qualified to earn more after six months. The free labor market would determine the wage rates and raises.

Sounds like what we already have.

on Jan 09, 2006
Sounds like what we already have.
Tell that to the immigrants who perform our hard labor and those in sweatshops.