Constructive gadfly

All states should follow Virginia’s example of reassessing the criminal justice system that continues to grow in wrongful convictions. How much assurance, then, can there be in our federal intelligence system that leads to convictions of enemy combatants or suspects?

In our effort to stabilize, Iraq we can no longer turn our back on Syrian negligence in controlling its border and in its defiance to ease tensions with Lebanon. It is time again for Bush to confront the UN Security Council to pursue aggressive action.

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance [FISA], along with the Patriot Act, must be reassessed to insure that the ongoing “war on terrorism” is tempered to avoid the hysteria of imminent threat so that it does not unilaterally emphasize probable cause without judicial consultation.

Despite its imperfections, the Kyoto Protocol must be treated seriously by the US, which is thus afforded a platform of agreement or disagreement in the area of probable global warming. It makes no sense not to partake in the dialogue, thereby to offer US leadership for the Protocol.

In light of the Abramoff/DeLay Inc, along with general corruption of Congress, it is necessary to reevaluate the wisdom of lobbying reduced to dollars, rather than insurance that every legitimate interest gets a fair hearing in Washington.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 11, 2006.

on Jan 11, 2006
While there may have been some talk about "reassessing" the Criminal process here in Va (I never heard a word about it, and I work across the street from the blowhards), that is out the window with the murder of 3 Richmond familes in the first week of the year.  There is no chance in hell of changing the law at this point.
on Jan 12, 2006
There is no chance in hell of changing the law at this point.
It is not a question of changing the law, but of re-examining the methods of criminal justice.