Constructive gadfly
Published on January 13, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

Why is it so difficult for the administration to terminate its cloudy defense of torture and state clearly to the nation and to the world that stern justice will be inflicted on any agency or military thus engaged in administering bodily harm to incarcerated terrorists?

On the other hand, under extraordinary circumstances and only by executive order should the government clearly defend its position on administering torture on patently bad guys who are highly suspected ring leaders withholding information that would indisputably imply imminent attack. Moreover, the administration should prohibit exporting suspects and offenders to other countries.

Lest this be construed as weakness, captive insurgent leaders in Iraq will be subject to severe torture or execution in retaliation to any ensuing Al Qaeda flagrant kidnaping and execution of hostages.

on Jan 14, 2006

Why is it so difficult for the administration to terminate its cloudy defense of torture and state clearly to the nation and to the world that stern justice will be inflicted on any agency or military thus engaged in administering bodily harm to incarcerated terrorists?

Define torture.

on Jan 14, 2006
Wilful harm to a prisoner for the purpose of self-incrimination. I'm sure you've heard of rank and serial number. 
on Jan 14, 2006

Wilful harm to a prisoner for the purpose of self-incrimination. I'm sure you've heard of rank and serial number.

Define wilfull harm. Define prisoner.  Define POW.  Define those not in the first 2 categrories.

And define who "rank and serial number" apply to.

on Jan 14, 2006
I'm sure you've heard of rank and serial number.

Since they are NOT part of a standing army....they have no "rank or serial number".
And your definition of "torture" leaves a lot to be desired.

2 entries found for torture.
To select an entry, click on it.
torture[1,noun]torture[2,transitive verb]

Main Entry: 2torture
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): tor·tured; tor·tur·ing /'torch-ri[ng], 'tor-ch&-/
1 : to cause intense suffering to : TORMENT
2 : to punish or coerce by inflicting excruciating pain
3 : to twist or wrench out of shape : DISTORT, WARP

2 entries found for torture.
To select an entry, click on it.
torture[1,noun]torture[2,transitive verb]

Main Entry: 1tor·ture
Pronunciation: 'tor-ch&r
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Late Latin tortura, from Latin tortus, past participle of torquEre to twist; probably akin to Old High German drAhsil turner, Greek atraktos spindle
1 a : anguish of body or mind : AGONY b : something that causes agony or pain
2 : the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure
3 : distortion or overrefinement of a meaning or an argument :
on Jan 15, 2006
Guy, too bad you weren't born later to have taken advantage of the Head Start program. I suppose if I said mother you would want me to define that too--apple pie, comfort after a child's nightmare, comforting breasts. Prisoners or POWs--held against their will--have the same rights. In my blog I differentiated between the real bad guys and the generally enemy combatants. True, they have no particular rank or serial number, but they do have names and nationality. That they are imprisoned and subject to interrogation is sufficient for the 'bodily harm they may have inflicted. You should know better than to incite a childish tautology.