Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 54
February 27, 2004 by stevendedalus
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious? No, it's more like your wonderful President's relations with Putin, I look into their eyes to feel their souls. 2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance? Absolutely. I want my acquaintances impeccable even though I'm a slob. 3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics? I would be total...
February 27, 2004 by stevendedalus
Last night on Larry King’s hosted debate, Kucinich and Sharpton want to end free trade, period. Is this wise? Currently Wal-Mart makes up some 15% of China’s exports. Would they be discontinued and force the largest company in the states to go back to buying American when they actively contract the same things to be produced in China? I doubt it. Kerry and Edwards offer the better option which is to get tough on the “sidebar” aspects of trade and pressure foreign countries to get serio...
February 26, 2004 by stevendedalus
1) For the Right and the Left to ponder: “To different minds the same world is a hell and a heaven.” [Emerson] 2) Advice to Talking Heads: “No one would talk much in society if he [she] misunderstands others.” [Goethe] 3) Evangelists behind conservatism: “The ruling passion, be what it will/ The ruling passion conquers reason still.” [ Pope] 4) Take heed mighty corporations: “Satan now is wiser than of yore/ And tempts by making rich, not making poor.” [Pope]...
February 25, 2004 by stevendedalus
Nader does not make any sense: on the one hand he echoes cries of 2000 that there still is no difference in the mainstream parties; on the other, he says his aim is to beat Bush! It sounds as though in throwing in the hat he thinks he can continue Dean’s aggressive criticism of “Washington Insiders,” disregarding the obvious that Kucinich and Sharpton are still in the race to do just that. Or is it that he thinks Kerry is getting too much of a free ride, and Nader has to be around to keep hi...
February 25, 2004 by stevendedalus
  When the Miracle Mets won in ‘69 someone, probably a sportswriter, suggested that God had rented an apartment in Queens, N.Y. Today it seems he is a guest in the Lincoln bedroom; for God is referenced throughout Bush’s presidency and most particularly in the proposed constitutional amendment to obviate gays from marriage. The stipulation that marriage is a sacred oath between man and woman only in face of a divorce rate of 50% is degrading to a truly solemn scripture, the Constit...
February 24, 2004 by stevendedalus
Once upon a time there was a likeable Hollywood actor, who at one time had believed in the Roosevelt design to help the multitude to help themselves. However, as President of the Actors’ Guild he betrayed his colleagues as McCarthy compiled the infamous blacklist. Then he was awarded by General Electric with big TV bucks and thus this Grade B character become Teflon Grade A[rrogant]. Mounted and poised as knight-in-chief with avenging lance aimed at the dragon of centralized go...
February 24, 2004 by stevendedalus
Once upon a time there was a likeable Hollywood actor, who at one time had believed in the Roosevelt design to help the multitude to help themselves. However, as President of the Actors’ Guild he betrayed his colleagues as McCarthy compiled the infamous blacklist. Then he was awarded by General Electric with big TV bucks and thus this Grade B character become Teflon Grade A[rrogant]. Mounted and poised as knight-in-chief with avenging lance aimed at the dragon of centralized go...
February 23, 2004 by stevendedalus
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious? 2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance? 3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics? 4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005. 5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently? 6) Name your favorite actor and actress. 7) What talking head show do you view ...
February 23, 2004 by stevendedalus
There is a fascinating lure about Buddha. A man gifted with health and material splendor from noble birth, nevertheless, grasped the essential tragedy of existence, becoming sensitized to the millions of his countrymen suffering under the power structure of caste. Buddha walked among them, loving them, instructing them, giving them hope and courage—most important, courage. Here he promised them literally nothing but the strength of themselves within: One man on the battlefield conque...
February 22, 2004 by stevendedalus
The old cry that communism equally degrades everyone to little above serfdom could conceivably be apropos to the current economic strategy of corporations in search of minimal labor costs abroad. Conservatives and Clinton Democrats as well argue that it is logical to continue relentlessly free trade since they claim it creates jobs here, too. What they don’t tell you is what kind of jobs are created here. Free trade generates flea markets, dollar store, auto foreign parts outlets, Wal-Marts an...
February 22, 2004 by stevendedalus
    Pervading the country today is a throw-back to the daybreak of time when man's only companionship was a crude weapon to preserve what his animal stimulus forebode was a confused identity. Citizens of these "united" states devolve to primitive foundations by yielding to radical assertions that the enemy is government and welfare. They have lost all sight of their state of grace handed down by the founding father's contract with progeny. They are destructive seces...
February 21, 2004 by stevendedalus
  Compromising Self-styled Individuality Though over a long-run pure relaxation would become a bore, the short-lived hours of idleness normally available are appreciated psychologically as a just reward. Were the head of the household at home long enough for the children and dogs underfoot to effect irritability, or were he/she not usually involved in maintenance projects of modern living, vegetating of this sort would be an eternal nightmare or equivalent to eroding perception...
February 21, 2004 by stevendedalus
In the nation’s quest to leave no child behind, the politicians are admitting that indeed there are children left behind. In the spirit of the land of opportunity, the nation is ostensibly bent on bringing up to par the nation’s children by impossible tests that have nothing to do with the reality — a term more than ever blurred by “reality” TV — which everyone knows has to do with the child’s home environment, the child’s DNA, the schooling of the parents, the disrepair of the school attended, ...
February 20, 2004 by stevendedalus
“We follow too easily, question authority too little. We cannot allow ourselves to go abroad again with guns. I do not trust our society enough to hold back.” No, this is not a protester of the war, or Howard Dean. Still, it would serve us well to heed these words in light of the cacophony of disinformation filling the foul atmosphere of our foreign policy, regardless of its quasi-humanitarian efforts to sanitize parts of the world of their totalitarian leanings. We have the UN to do th...
February 20, 2004 by stevendedalus
Until I learned otherwise from Paul Farbi of the “Washington Post”, I was sympathetic toward Joe Trippi when Howard Dean replaced him as campaign manager in favor of Gore’s boy. After all, thought I, Joe had successfully made Howard a household name, even though his strategy led to Dean’s peaking much too early. However, it appears that Joe Trippi indiscriminately ran Dean TV ads to the tune of $300,000 as early as last June, seven months before a ballot was cast in Iowa’s caucus. In Au...