Constructive gadfly
Published on February 23, 2004 By stevendedalus In Personal Relationships

1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.

7) What talking head show do you view most often?

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?

on Feb 23, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?

Not at all.

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?

Not usually. (ie. It does bother me if a messy-looking person also has the bad odor to accompany the look.)

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?

It would be nice if others shared my politics, but I have yet to find many that do. I only require a person who respects that we have our differences.

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.

I'm not American... (standing aside.)

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

Not frequently, but I attend cultural/spiritual activities on a regular basis, and attend Church when my daughter asks me to take her.

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.

Joaquin Phoenix and Jodie Foster

7) What talking head show do you view most often?


8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?

no, but I don't have any pressing desire to see it, either.

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?

Not really. I'd just like to see more diversity in TV advertising.

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?

I was surprised that so many people were shocked. I was surprised at the number of reasons given to backing this stance.
on Feb 23, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?
a bit, since his appearance would reflect what type of people i like. (definitely would care though if he smelled)

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?
Im pretty sure i wont have any problems with anyone who agrees with me.

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.
Im Filipino.

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?
Last year i went to church about 8 times. this year though i have already gone about 5 times.

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.
Jean Reno and Jessica Alba

7) What talking head show do you view most often?

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?
Ive read the book. and from what i hear its a pretty good film. i cant wait to watch it.

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?
It was kinda sad that everyone reacted to such a small thing.(not her t*ts, i saw them and they were a bit bigger than average.) the whole halftime show sucked though.
on Feb 23, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious
Not at all. (I'm not.)

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?
Not particularly, no. Unless I'm still trying to sleep with them.

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.
Bill Clinton.

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.
Harrison Ford; Natalie Wood (!).

7) What talking head show do you view most often?
Meet the Press.

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?
It's really causing people anxiety?

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?
The cheapness of the cry for publicity disgusted me, but the actual breast revelation did not.
on Feb 23, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious

about 90% of my friends are non-practicing Christians.. doesn't matter at all.

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?

i dont hang around shabby hobos... i only care to be seen with people who look after themselves... its a character trait.

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?

doesn't matter... if they dont agree it makes for interesting conversation

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.

I dont really care.

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

Yeah, i look in the mirror every day

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.

Edward Norton and Liv Tyler

7) What talking head show do you view most often?

SBS World soccer

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?


9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?

TV Advertising bothers me full stop.

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?

I got to see a nipple without paying for it... JJ got free publicity. Everyones a winner!
on Feb 23, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?

No, it takes a certain amount of faith to be an atheist and faith is more important than relgion.

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?

A reasonable amount of personal hygiene I would care about.

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?

Yes, and someone who does not if we can argue without it getting personal.

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.

Anyone but Bush

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

No, orgainized religion is the bane of mankind.

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.

DeNiro and Meg Ryan

7) What talking head show do you view most often?

None, don't need someone to tell me my view on something. I either do not know enough to discuss a topic intelligently or I inform myself.

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?

No, it is a movie, I had no anxiety over The Last Temptation of Christ either. They are just movies, if you are moved to violence because of it, you are a gullible twit and and deserve to do time. If you are moved to hate Jews because of it your values and integrity are lacking. If you already hate Jews you are already a bigot.

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?

No, no one makes anyone purchase t.v.s or watch them. You do not like it, unplug your t.v. and carry it to the dumpster. Your values are more important than the money it cost to buy it, right?

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?

I think the bodice ripping was planned but the free range breast was not. Complaints are generally sanctimonious whining.
on Feb 23, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?
i don't have any friends... hehehe

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?
nah... same as most people, as long as they don't smell bad, it's cool. my best friend in high school was a real weirdo...

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?
I don't really have certain "set" politics. i try n go with the flow. i guess that makes me a liberal, huh? ugghh... i hate politics

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.
G. Dubya... next question please

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?
I'm workin' on it... alright? get off my back!

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.
Prob'ly Brad Pitt, Sean Connery, or Tom Cruise. was i spo'sed to choose one? for chics i'll go with Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock, or that one crazy chic on Saturday Night Live... (oh yeah, Cheri Oteri i think her name is)

7) What talking head show do you view most often?
Tough Crown with Colin Quinn... the greatest show ever! except for maybe "Who's Line is it anyway?"

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?
The book's been out for a couple thousand years, and they're just now getting around to making the movie? what took so long? (early prediction, shhh... the book's better... call it a hunch)

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?
What sexual innuendos? what are you talking about dude?

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?
I'm more upset over the amount of press coverage the whole fiasco has gotten than the incident itself. we are our own worst enemy folks... belie' dat..

thanks for asking

on Feb 23, 2004
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... imajinit, you're such a hilarious guy... #8... oh you're killing me... lol! hahahahaha....

man that imajinit... he's one crazy dude.. ahahahahhaha



hahahahahahha ... oh, i can't stop... hahahahaha

whew! ~~

on Feb 24, 2004
I like the honest qualification to #2.

Ah, sweet, adorable Natalie Wood--how I miss her!

Don't tell Bill Clinton or he'll muscle into the fray.
on Feb 24, 2004
Imaginit, you are a hilarious kind of guy--like "I'm workin' on it... alright? get off my back!"
JSwift: "A reasonable amount of personal hygiene I would care about." This satiric line is indeed worthy of a Jonathan Swift.
"No, orgainized religion is the bane of mankind." so is this worthy of Swift's rancor.

Muggaz: I love the answer to #5; good point on #3.
NickyG: "Not usually. (ie. It does bother me if a messy-looking person also has the bad odor to accompany the look.)" a wise condition.

Edmund: Yes, I like her too, Jessica Alba.

on Feb 24, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?
No, I don't do religions, I do faith. I am a Christian with very eclectic beliefs.

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?
I don't put a lot on appearance. Have you ever noticed how some people seem cuter to you after you get to know and like them and others you thought were so cute can lose that cuteness when their personality takes over?

3) Are you inclined to strike a relationship with someone who usually agrees with your politics?
Not in the striking up part, but it can take a toll on relationships.

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.
I'm thinking I should jump in the race real quick.

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

My heart, every day.

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.
Katharine Hepburn, Barbara Stanwyk, Julia Stiles
Harrison Ford, fell in love with during Star Wars and haven't recovered yet, Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant

7) What talking head show do you view most often?

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?
I have heard nothing about it yet.

9) Do the sexual innuendos of TV advertising bother you?
yes, unless it's humorous

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?
I did not see it, but I'll say this much, where I live, girls walk the streets in the summer topless. I breast fed my daughter in public.
If I have anything against it, it's the way it was done. Breasts aren't just for sex.

on Feb 25, 2004
VeryWise-Fawn, 10) I know I was a breast fed child. 9) Have you seen the ad where the little boy keeps popping out of his room to bug the parents as to dates of birthdays and anniversaries and then his mother tells him he is never going to break the computer code? Parents on guard will surely help in blocking out the porn sites. 6) Barbara was unbelievable in "Double Indemnity"--did you see it? Frankly one of my favorites was Fred MacMurray and he was great in it too--a much unheralded actor. 1) Great line "do faith" rather than religion...and an eclectic. Love it.
on Feb 25, 2004
1) Does it matter to you that some of your friends are not religious?

Religion is nothing.

2) After you have known someone for a while, do you care about his/her appearance?

I don't care about their appearance to begin with.

4) Name the person you would want as President in 2005.

Hmmm, I guess I should care about that...this level of apathy is kina ignorant....I'll work on it.

5) Do you attend a place of worship frequently?

I do, but it sucks.

6) Name your favorite actor and actress.

Actor:Brad Renfro
Actress: Genine Garofalo (sp?) I get that I look like her alot, and did you know that she won't let the fashion people airbrush her before photo shoots? She says, "I will not be the cause of some girls eating disorder" wow

8) Do you have any anxiety over Mel Gibson’s film on the Passion?

Yes, I'm terrified to see it. I'm afraid it will only make me feel like a filthy rag, which is what I am.

10) Did Janet Jackson’s super bowl exhibition upset you, or was it just a lousy performance?

I DIDN'T SEE IT!! darn it, you turn your head for five seconds.....


on Feb 26, 2004
stevendedalus- 10) well, thatexplains your ntelligence! 9) I haven't seen it, poor parents, so much to guard against,eh? 6) Yes, I've seen it and I love Fred MacMurray! 1) will you be answering these questions yourself?
on Feb 27, 2004
Very Wise, Hmm, never thought about it...Yeah, I think I will. And yes, pure grade A milk.