Constructive gadfly
Published on February 25, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events


When the Miracle Mets won in ‘69 someone, probably a sportswriter, suggested that God had rented an apartment in Queens, N.Y. Today it seems he is a guest in the Lincoln bedroom; for God is referenced throughout Bush’s presidency and most particularly in the proposed constitutional amendment to obviate gays from marriage. The stipulation that marriage is a sacred oath between man and woman only in face of a divorce rate of 50% is degrading to a truly solemn scripture, the Constitution. and in reality cheapens God in the image of the religious right.

What is worse, is the frenzied practice of evangelists to blanket politics with disingenuous morality, which itself is cheapened by applying values to every aspect that fits the frenzy. It also demonstrates liberal shyness in developing its own set of values with religious overtones. Often it is heard from the left that the right does not own family values, patriotism, or the Holy Scriptures, yet do not seem willing to engage in this watered down version of what constitutes true virtue. The left is still stuck with the old adage that politics and religion don’t mix, which was most prominent in 1960 when a Catholic ran for the presidency.

The basic tenet of separation of church and state unfortunately does not always apply in the daily dialogue of a nation that undeniably supports “under God” in the Pledge and approves of Congress opening each session with a benediction by official clergy. This is not surprising since the populous overwhelmingly believes in God and frequently attends a place of worship. If a presidential candidate admits to atheism or agnosticism he or she is dead in the water and equivalent to the Al Smith syndrome before JFK. This nation is far removed from accepting a totally secular president, let alone a godless one — despite the irony while the nation is in the midst of a war against radical terrorists seeded by theocracy.

Democrats, however reluctantly, need to submit their own terminology on the battlefield of cultural “values” such as:

1) Marriage is indeed the very fabric of civilization and therefore marriage counseling should be urged before divorce or separation is approved.

2) Religious ceremony is not a prerequisite for marriage but a choice within the framework of the couple’s beliefs.

3) The definition of marriage is by nature the relationship between man and woman; and in the case of homosexuality the definition is irrelevant. However, since homosexuality is a fact of life, official arrangements or love contract must be lawfully authorized to insure gay couples the equal rights of married couples.

4) Polygamy is unacceptable not on moral grounds as much as it is a violation of human rights with respect to unequal status of the spouses and the tensions generated thereof causing an unwieldy family structure.

5) Abortion is not a public value-judgment, but is a private, difficult decision among, the lover, the doctor, the Almighty and in the last analysis, the woman.

6) No section of the nation has a monopoly on religious beliefs; it is rather a universal privilege for all who believe regardless of the geography or denomination.

7) Most issues concerning the nation are far too complex, multicultural and essentially secular for religious leanings to influence voting, nor should religion unduly influence the politician.

8) Religion’s role should be true to its essence by championing the poor and desolate.

9) The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and tolerance of all faiths, provided neither conflicts with the primacy of individual liberties.

110) Values mean what best supports and defends the principles of democracy and its institutions of the commonwealth.


   Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 25, 2004.      


on Feb 25, 2004
w00t for the religious left.

I used to have trouble understanding the religious right...

then I remembered that Jesus would feast with criminals, prostitutes, and the rest of the country's undesirables.

So it only makes sense that money hungry amoral bigots would be hiding behind him.

The word of God and my faith are my sword and shield, not the Lord himself.
And make a note... the word of God is my sword, not my shield. And those who use it as a shield might want to consider getting that adjusted.
on Feb 25, 2004
Always good as usual. Thanks

I'm always scarred by how religious are US politician and the ways they use religion to touched their audience. I'm always balanced between real faith or hypocrisy to buy vote.
Religion used in politics can also prevent any pragmatism into decision making

on Feb 25, 2004
Yes, rhetoric of the bible can lead to confusion and false security.
Aye, Jeb, if only we could really be free thinkers and decision-makers!