Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 51
March 29, 2004 by stevendedalus
Can something as gross as a Picasso produce an aesthetic feeling wherein one is arrested in beauty? Obviously there is no beauty in asymmetrical concoctions so that the aesthetic experience must be modified to an arrestment of a myriad of internalized experiences or nightmares of the viewer. This may seem presumptuous in light of the esteem of this artist as arguably proclaimed the finest artist of the 20 th century. Still,  traditionally art was deemed beautiful when it imitated and exc...
March 28, 2004 by stevendedalus
If it is correct to say the means may not justify the end, how is it we are at war? Is it worth 13,000 Iraqi lives and almost 600 Americans to justify our invasion in order to overthrow a brutal dictator? Those who square the means with the end argue that Saddam had a history of terror and violence. Even though in years he evidently desisted from his ordinary practice, based on the history he was potentially dangerous to do further harm in the future and should be put to rest now; and, after ...
March 27, 2004 by stevendedalus
The current ruckus before the Supreme Court concerning the Pledge of Allegiance is absurd. Newdow , a professed atheist, is on a cantankerous Nader-like ego trip signifying personal frustration and vindictiveness against his daughter’s mother who is Christian and has custody of the daughter, who doesn’t mind stating “under God.” Aside from this, it sets a precedent for too many other frivolous issues to be brought before the court, such as “In God We Trust” on the currency, school prayer,...
March 26, 2004 by stevendedalus
The conservative monopoly on values is bogus. And by the way just what are values? Family values cross political lines, and there can, you know, be family togetherness even without saying Grace at the dinner table. Besides, family together at the kitchen table is a forgotten art — at best having fresh bakery rolls together on a Sunday morning. Both sides of the aisle have the same problem in trying to reach their kids. Of course, it’s helpful to have money whereby you can kidnap your kids f...
March 25, 2004 by stevendedalus
1) With the babyboomers heading towards retirement, many analysts believe that the social security system, as we know it, will collapse. What would you do, as President, to ensure the viability of Social Security? A. Increase the threshhold to $150K for both employee and employer’s matching fund; however ½ of the proceeds over the current maximum would, if opted, be put into a 401k. The Medicare facet should be adjusted for inflation every other year. 2) The national debt has increa...
March 25, 2004 by stevendedalus
George Will attacks Kerry for advocating protectionism, which conflicts with free trade. Whereas Kerry is proposing a reevaluation of current free trade practices that are causing an influx of low cost goods to this country at the expense of millions of US workers, Will is pretending that the protectionist bent of the candidate is at the expense of workers abroad and their only means of survival. No one who is familiar with George Will’s viewpoint could possibly believe that he is the champio...
March 24, 2004 by stevendedalus
Kerry: “Before I voted against it; I voted for it.” Florida translation: “I thought I was voting against Buchanan not for him.” Arguably Katherine Hepburn invented the strong leading lady role and unlike modern strong ladies à la Ashley Judd or Sharon Stone she didn’t need guns or karate. Was the major thrust of the “philosopher” Jesus, to whom George W relates, tax cuts? Is the slogan “support our troops” redundant, or are there actually those who don’t? Is the prosecutor...
March 24, 2004 by stevendedalus
Kerry: “Before I voted against it; I voted for it.” Florida translation: “I thought I was voting against Buchanan not for him.” Arguably Katherine Hepburn invented the strong leading lady role and unlike modern strong ladies à la Ashley Judd or Sharon Stone she didn’t need guns or karate. Was the major thrust of the “philosopher” Jesus, to whom George W relates, tax cuts? Is the slogan “support our troops” redundant, or are there actually those who don’t? Is the prosecutor...
March 23, 2004 by stevendedalus
Americans continue to pull the wool over their eyes that it doesn’t matter that they are selling their souls to protect the instant comforts of their bodies. To believe that runaway trade deficits don’t matter as long as there are foreign countries that are willing to accept liens on our assets because of our huge consumption is tantamount to the runaway domestic credit extension to individuals that in the long run will result in bankruptcy as wage earners’ capacity to meet consumption is in t...
March 22, 2004 by stevendedalus
As a superpower, thereby always on the world’s stage — if for no other reason — is it too much to ask that we clean up our image? It is time — ancient history in other industrial nations — for us to follow the lead of Canada’s Supreme Court’s long-delayed decision to spare the rod in their schools. While we squabble over foolishness like gay marriage, the US continues to paddle 350,000 school children in public schools each year, not counting private and religious schools, according the “Washin...
March 22, 2004 by stevendedalus
There is no way to eliminate completely politics or judicial action from the courts, particularly state and local justices who tend to reflect provincial mood swings. The Constitution makes no pretense — as in the Ten Commandments — to embrace divine wisdom. Rather, it is acceptance of the fragility of man and consequently requires him to abide by consensus of what is best for all of humankind. There is, no magic Delphian oracle whereby man is directed toward justice. The Founding Fathers w...
March 22, 2004 by stevendedalus
Where do the labels come from? I mean, really, now, what the hell is a NASCAR Dad? Do pollsters have exit polls at auto races to check on a fan’s politics? Among pollsters is there no sense of place? Is that how they derive a label for Soccer Moms? And why not Soccer Dads and NASCAR Moms? I sometimes think it is a media conspiracy to divide the country into myriads of subcultures just for the excitement. It’s not news if there’s boring concordance. Circulations and ratings would be down, I sus...
March 21, 2004 by stevendedalus
There seems to be an overriding impression that those who are for the underdog are underdogs themselves and therefore naturally empathize with their own kind. From this, it would appear, that those who are for pedigrees are, then, pedigree themselves. Obviously, from the vantage point of a decent civilization, this is an incestuous fallacy hung over by a vestige of ancient tribalism, which is an emotional distrust of those of another kind. On the other hand, the current scenario of this dis...
March 20, 2004 by stevendedalus
Andy’s shaggy brows on High Definition are clearly white birch splinters.… The only way to keep a clean keyboard is to avoid profanity…. Osama bin Laden is not my idea of a militant leader; from the hundreds of images on TV he looks more like a mountain goat with a cane, and why is it he only walks down those rocky hills, has anyone ever seen him climb up?…A liberal goes to see the “Passion” to feel the pain of the underdog.…The conservative sees it for the heroics in enduring pain.…If single...
March 19, 2004 by stevendedalus seems a war zone for ideologies. Still, this is not at all surprising inasmuch as the media, including the Internet, have been overrun by ideological pundits and talking heads. Many of us bloggers try to be eclectic yet unwittingly allow our precepts to get the better of us. For instance, we all agree with, and count our blessings for, the Constitution, yet tend to disagree or agree with some of its parts that require explanation and is subsequently appealed in the courts to ...