Constructive gadfly
Published on March 24, 2004 By stevendedalus In Humor

Kerry: “Before I voted against it; I voted for it.” Florida translation: “I thought I was voting against Buchanan not for him.”

Arguably Katherine Hepburn invented the strong leading lady role and unlike modern strong ladies à la Ashley Judd or Sharon Stone she didn’t need guns or karate.

Was the major thrust of the “philosopher” Jesus, to whom George W relates, tax cuts?

Is the slogan “support our troops” redundant, or are there actually those who don’t?

Is the prosecutor of Martha Stewart an Ahab or a cat that tipped over a goldfish bowl?

To quack like a duck does not make you a duck but a Supreme Court Justice.

Shouldn’t Intelligence agents be made to take an IQ test?

Why was the Bush administration expected to do in eight months what the Clinton administration couldn’t do in eight years?

Al Franken on radio is at least better than having him on TV — now, if only Sean Hannity would stick to radio only.

Remember the good times of surpluses when Greenspan was worried over the exuberance of paying down the debt? Bush took care of that worry; but leave it to Greenspan to come up with another worry — social security must be cut in face of skyrocketing deficits. Why not just dump prescriptions for seniors?

Now that flipping hamburgers is a manufacturing job, do flippers get a raise?

The old voting lever machines have been around for over a hundred years and no one questions them even though they have no back up or paper trail. Does that mean we are nostalgically trustful, and distrust electronics?



on Jul 15, 2004
I guess no one likes ducks on this site.