Constructive gadfly

George Will attacks Kerry for advocating protectionism, which conflicts with free trade. Whereas Kerry is proposing a reevaluation of current free trade practices that are causing an influx of low cost goods to this country at the expense of millions of US workers, Will is pretending that the protectionist bent of the candidate is at the expense of workers abroad and their only means of survival. No one who is familiar with George Will’s viewpoint could possibly believe that he is the champion of the poor overseas when he literally despises anything that even touches on creeping unionism in this country. It does not bother him that workers overseas are blatantly exploited for the benefit of the power class who trades with the power class of this nation — à la Adam Smith.

To Kerry’s credit, he wants to honestly explore the degree of environmental violations and wage conditions in other countries placing the American worker and manufactures that stay here at an enormous disadvantage and thereby apply pressure for more humane conditions abroad. Further, there is no sense of home sweet home with US manufacturers so eager to disrupt communities for the sake of the buck while in the long run it weakens the nation, particularly when the government has no policy to urge new industries that could soften the blow of layoffs.

Will equates Kerry’s plausible suggestion to study current practices that appear to shake the strength of our economy, let alone the ability to retain a strong defense, with the “moral pretension” to justify anti-globalization and protectionism. George Will barely lets one of his columns go by where he does not bring up the left’s moral indignation over the lack of altruism in business on the part of the right and the status-quo. There’s a snowball’s chance in hell that he will ever write a column expressing moral indignation over the unseemly current gasoline prices inasmuch as it is but a cold, perfectly logical cycle of supply and demand.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: March 25, 2004.

on Apr 16, 2004
Only Congressman Dennis Kucinich would recind NAFTA, GATT and the WTO. Kerry voted for all of these Globalization issues. He spent the 1990s betraying the American workers and all of a sudden he is supposed to be their savior. It is like having a fox guard the chicken coop. The USA has gone through the most massive dislocation of workers in the past 12 years or so. A working poor class was created during this time. It all happen on Kerry's watch supporting President Clinton in passing NAFTA and GATT trade agreements. It happened with a Democrat controlled Congress too. Kerry and George Will are not that far about when it comes to Globalism.

If Kerry was sincere, he would have reacted years ago when all this happened. Globalism and Free Trade is not something brand new. They have at least a ten year history of failures. Bush just continued what Clinton started and Bush passed Fast Track while everyone was concentrating on the wars. The whole course of globalism must be changed. We must think global but act local. Without local value added economies Free Trade is a trap that leads to wars and terrorism because it is a race to the bottom. The real commodities of Free Trade are workers who are put on a world trading block to compete with the lowest common denominator down to wage slave labor and even child labor. This is what is in place. It is a new slave trade. This is the reality and no simple reevaluation of free trade practices will change much. It has gone too far. We must bring back our factories and as many real jobs as possible. The industrial age is not over. We still use the products but the production is outside the USA.

For more information see Tapart News and Art that Talks at See The Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror artwork by Ray Tapajna asking who will now untangle the terror Globalism and Free Trade have bred. See The American Dream is Burning, The Clinton Years- The American Dream Reversed and Locked out workers bearing their cross artwork story at or